“He is standing right here, Bishop,” Trent bit out.

Mike rolled his eyes and got his third cold beer out of Trent’s six-pack. “Great. Here we go. As we continue with another dramatic episode of As Trent’s World Turns.”

“Fuck you, Mike. And stop drinking all my damn beer!”

“Be careful, Wood. Trent’s got some issues,” Mike continued, completely ignoring him. “Not all bad. Only a couple of them require a doctor with a dark office and a chaise lounge.”

“Still. Standing. Here.” Trent didn’t need anyone making him sound like an unapproachable dick. Sure, he’d been shocked by Wood’s arrival, but he didn’t want any new friends, especially of the senior variety.

“I’ve heard a lot about you. Lucky for you I don’t believe everything Bishop tells me,” Wood said instead of hello, nice to meet you.

Trent noticed Wood had his thick palm outstretched for him to shake, so he gripped it firmly and gave it an extra squeeze before he finally let go. Wood’s lips held a slight tilt, and he didn’t stop staring at him when he pulled his hand back and flexed his fingers.

Wood narrowed his dark eyes and smiled slyly at him, and Trent suddenly felt as if the oxygen had been sucked out of his lungs. “Bishop, I think Trent and I are going to get along just fine.”

And so it began.

Chapter Four


Well, well, well. What do I have here? Wood sat across from Trent at the small dining table while Mike went over some important particulars in his one-page lease. Wood knew he should be paying attention, but he liked the way he kept catching Trent trying to steal a glance in his direction. Of all the stories he’d heard of the hot-tempered, quick-to-whup-a-man’s-ass Trent, he didn’t picture him with thick, peach lips or piercing, warm brown eyes that he kept shielded by a slight frown.

He was fascinating.

Wood kinda wished Bishop would’ve told his family a little more about him instead of leaving them guessing… and eventually surprised. That meant they also didn’t know why the government thought he deserved to lose seventeen years of his life. Great.

“Wood, your room is already furnished. That’s your own space. The living room and kitchen you’ll both share. However you want to split the groceries is between you two. The second bathroom has some pipe problems, so you guys will have to share the bathroom in the hall until I can get it fixed. You’ll divide the utilities half and half, and the rent is due on the first of the month, it’s late on the tenth. Don’t make me hunt your asses down for my money either.” Mike spun the paper in Wood’s direction and pointed for him to sign under Trent’s name. “Everything seem copacetic?”

“Yep. Looks standard.” Wood had no clue what a typical lease looked like these days, but he signed it anyway. He had a roof over his head that didn’t include an overseer and a room he didn’t have to bolt to keep out thieves. Mike’s terms were fair; he didn’t seem like a conniving bastard. And if he was anything like his son, he was probably a damn decent guy. When Bishop told him that his dad was only fifteen years older than him and more like one of the guys than a father figure… he hadn’t been exaggerating.

Mike stood when they were finished with business and shook Wood’s hand again. “I wish there was another way I could thank you for what you did for my boy in prison. I know how hard he struggled when he and Trent got separated. Thank you. Thank you for being there for him when I couldn’t. You’re a good man.”

Wood was surprised at the sudden seriousness, and he struggled with receiving such high praise. He accepted the handshake with a tight nod, and Mike added, “We’re in our off-season at work, but let me know if you need some extra income around the spring. I’m sure I can get you on one of the crews.”

Trent hummed his agreement. “I’m sure I’ll have room on my crew this summer. If he can hack it.”

Wood’s eyes were locked on Trent. Is he trying to bait me? How cute.

Mike walked past the back of Trent’s chair and popped him in the back of the head. “Night, asshole. Thanks for the beers.”

“You’re welcome. I’ll just deduct it from your rent, you irritating piece of—”

“Trent!” Bishop barked. “Why don’t you show Wood around and tell him where his room is.”

Trent gave Bishop an incredulous glare, and Wood had to hold back the chuckle that threatened to escape. Besides, he had a feeling his new roommate didn’t like to be laughed at. Bishop said it might take a minute to get Trent to loosen up to the idea of them living together, but he was thinking it might take a lot longer than that.