Wood knew he was rusty in the romance department, but after getting the tiniest of samples, he knew he had to have more. The craving was now a full-on manic fascination. If only he could hang in there a little while longer, he had a feeling he wouldn’t regret it.

Chapter Thirty-Two


Trent lay there in bed during the early hours of dawn after his internal clock started blaring an hour before his alarm was set to ring. Even in his dreams, his mind had refused to stop replaying what he’d done with Wood last night. How Wood had kissed him, touched him, and the throaty sounds he’d made as he swallowed him whole. Trent struggled not to moan and take his dick in his hand to satisfy the abrupt urge to cum when he thought of how Wood had almost breeched him with his rough thumb. Or how he’d absently spread his legs trying to relay how much he needed it without having to actually say it. He wanted to explore more because it’d felt too good not to. But he needed some help, and he only knew one person he could trust who wouldn’t give him the third degree and force him to rethink his actions. Trent was ready to jump without a chute… but he needed someone to tell him that it was a brilliant idea.

Since he was already wide-awake and his roommate seemed fine enough to get freaky with him, he supposed it was all right to leave him home and get his ass to work. He felt as if he could still use a few hours’ shut-eye, and he’d most likely have to take a Motrin during lunchtime, but he could handle it. He texted Summer to let her know he was coming in, then slowly slogged out of bed. He threw his robe around his shoulders and stepped into the dark hallway, assuming Wood was still resting.

He felt more awake after brushing his teeth and running his electric razor over his stubble. Trent leaned against the door and sent a quick text message to Edison. He hadn’t finished cleaning up behind himself when his best friend’s partner responded.

Edison: Morning Trent. Sure. What do you need help with?

Trent nervously chewed on the inside of his jaw and thought about how he should respond.

Trent: Hey. I was wondering if you still wanna cut my hair?

Edison: LOL. You finally going to let me tame that jungle.

Trent huffed. Do you wanna do it or not?

Edison: Sure! You can come over tonight?

Trent: I’ll come tomorrow…. when Bishop is in class. This is between you and me, k????

Trent watched the three thinking dots flash on and off his screen as if Edison wasn’t sure what to say. He held his breath, wondering if he’d made a mistake. Edison told him that they were friends and that he was always available even if Bishop wasn’t.

Edison: No problem. See ya at six tomorrow then.

Trent smirked after he read Edison’s reply with the winking emoticon behind it. Yes, that worked. Because Friday was when he planned to ask Wood out to dinner at a nice restaurant on the beach. It was gonna be cold as shit, but Wood didn’t seem to care. All he ever talked about was the oceanfront.

Trent walked out of the bathroom and was on his way to his room when the sound of strange man’s voice in his kitchen made him spin around fast enough to aggravate the kink in his back. Wood jumped up and hurried to him, wrapping his big arms around his waist and gently massaging him.

“You okay?” Wood asked. “Sorry. We didn’t mean to scare you.”

Trent stood there dumbfounded as he scowled at the older man who was smiling at him over Wood’s shoulder. “Who the fuck is that?” Trent growled.

Wood’s sexy chuckle against his temple didn’t help. “Uh-oh. Am I in trouble?”

“Wood,” he said warningly.

“Hmm. I thought you’d be staying home today,” Wood said, continuing to ignore his rising anger.

“I think you’re good now,” Trent breathed as Wood’s natural scent worked its way over him, almost calming him. “I need to get back to work.”

Wood tilted his chin until he was staring into those rich brown eyes. “I’d planned another kind of work for you today.”

Despite how amazing Wood felt in his arms, Trent couldn’t shake the knowledge of a stranger’s eyes boring into him. He wanted answers. He eased away from Wood’s chest and nodded toward the kitchen.

“That’s Brody.”

Trent bristled, and Wood clutched him tighter. “Relax. Brody Goodwynn is my AA sponsor.”

For some reason that explanation was even worse. “Sponsor?” Trent whispered, glaring at the light green eyes that appeared to be assessing his and Wood’s closeness. “I think you need a new one. This one’s not very good at his job.”

“Wood is a grown man, and he’s responsible for his own actions,” Brody said casually. “My job is not to prevent him from taking a drink… nor is it yours.”