“Trent.” Wood knocked suddenly.

Trent scrambled away from the door as if a nun was about to come in and catch him masturbating. He yanked his robe off the foot of the bed and slung it over his shoulders, his hands trembling like he’d been committing a crime. Once he gathered himself, he shook his head at his ridiculousness and cracked the door open. Wood stood there looking sexy as hell with that gray hair and sly smile.

Trent sucked his teeth. “It was spaghetti, Wood, not prime rib. I’m not putting out that easily.”

Wood’s throaty laugh was nice to hear, and Trent opened the door farther and stood there leaning on the doorjamb with him. “That’s not why I knocked,” Wood said, yet he was looking Trent up and down, his shameless gaze lingering on Trent’s unsatisfied erection.

“Then why?”

Wood didn’t answer as he stared riveted at Trent’s chest that was visible through his open robe. “You really don’t have any art on you, Trent? None? Anywhere?”

“No.” Trent frowned. Wood was gaping at him as if he was some freak of nature. Why was that so hard to believe? “That’s what you came to ask me?”

Before he knew it, Wood reached both hands out and yanked his robe down to his hips and spun him around. He was pinned against the door with a heat like he’d never known pressing into him from behind.

“I’m sorry.” Wood breathed heavily against the base of his neck, as if he’d momentarily lost his mind. “Your skin…”

“Wood.” Trent rested the back of his head on Wood’s shoulder, suddenly feeling drunk while his roommate observed his upper body as if it was a masterpiece. He didn’t understand. He had nothing on him but a few scars and a couple of moles. Wood gasped and ran his palm down the center of Trent’s back.

“You’re so strong. Mmmm, look at these muscles right here,” Wood whispered as if he was talking to himself. “Damn, Trent, you’re beautiful. You’re a sexy, completely untouched canvas.”

Trent clutched onto the doorframe to keep from reaching for his cock. He could feel Wood’s excitement all over him, and it was driving him mad.

“You make me wanna grab a marker and put one of my signatures on you.”

Trent nodded, but he wasn’t sure what he was agreeing to.

“Yeah. I think you’d like that,” Wood purred.

Trent vibrated inside as beads of sweat formed on his forehead and chest. In all of his twenty-nine years, he’d never wanted a person’s touch so fiercely, and he’d definitely never felt so wanted. He pushed his ass into Wood’s pelvis, just to see what reaction he’d get from him, and couldn’t believe when his own damn knees buckled at the feel of that hard bulge. Wood caught him around his chest with one hand holding him securely on his hip.

“It’s not quite time for that yet, Trent. But, you’re testing me, and I’m trying my best to be patient.” Wood moaned, kissing him behind his ear. “I came to make a request. I didn’t expect the distraction.”

“What request?” Anything, name it. Trent panted. He was delirious and completely at another man’s mercy. If any of his crew saw him right now, they’d never believe it.

“I was wondering if you plan on listening to any music tonight,” Wood asked, while slowly stroking his fingers along Trent’s stomach.

“I did. Why?”

“I wanted to ask you to play something for me.”

Trent loved that. His music was one of the most important things in his life, and he was glad that he and Wood seemed to both enjoy it for the same reasons. “Okay.”

“I wanna hear something different than last night. Coltrane was kind of sad and melancholy.” Wood’s voice dropped even lower, his lips dancing at the base of Trent’s neck. “I wanna hear something slow… sexy.” Wood accented each word with a slight tilt of his hips. “Yeah… something gentle, Trent.”

“All right.” Trent could do slow and gentle—matter of fact, that’s exactly what he needed. He hadn’t wanted to hear a sexy sound in a while, but it didn’t mean he’d forgotten what it felt like to listen to it. And how the rhythm made his body respond.

Wood released him and walked across the hall to his room, leaving Trent hugging the door for dear sanity. He truly admired Wood’s restraint because Trent was so heated he was close to sliding down the wall and sticking his ass in the air. He left some space in his door the same as Wood and went to his own personal stash to find his Sade records.

He turned it on a low volume, shut off the lights, and slipped under his covers to enjoy the sounds of Sade’s sultry voice. It wasn’t even five seconds before he had one leg gaped open and his hand on his dick, hoping Wood did too.