“Will you knock it off.” Trent gripped the sleeve of her puffy coat and pulled her out of his way. “I might get home and find the trailer burnt to the ground.”

“You can pretend all you want, but I know you’re excited. You’ve been in a good mood all day.”

“I’ve been normal,” Trent said and checked his watch.

“Look at you. You’re about to shove me to the ground and kick up dust in my face you’re in such a hurry,” she teased.

Trent got inside and closed his door. She gave him a pouty face and tapped on the window. He rolled it down, and she reached inside and cupped his cheeks. “I’m really happy you’re doing this. I haven’t met Wood, but I know he’s the reason you’ve been so playful this past week.”

Trent looked away. He had been in a better mood, and he’d liked it. He couldn’t recall getting pissed off once.

“Like you said. Everyone around you is growing up and settling down. So, maybe you should reconsider your lone-wolf existence.”

Trent bounced his knee, nervously wondering how he could put this.

“What is it?”

“Wood’s a lot older than me, Summer.”

“You said you didn’t think he was old.”

“I don’t. I said he’s older than me. What if he wants someone with, you know… experience?” Trent couldn’t meet Summer’s eyes. He knew she’d never make fun of him when he was being serious, but it was still a subject that was difficult to discuss with a female, not to mention one he thought of as a sister.

“Don’t start assuming, again. That’s why y’all had that kerfuffle his second night there. Sit, talk, and really get to know him, Trent. Stop hiding in your bedroom and face him. Tell him if you’re worried about that. I have a feeling Wood’s the type of man that would admire that kind of honesty in a guy.”

Little did Summer know Trent had done that this morning when he’d admitted that Wood smelled good—and the man’s response had scared the shit out of him. The attention, the focus, the tenderness he’d shown Trent, as if all of that could be his if he wanted, was a feeling he’d never felt before. Wood was a big man, and when he got in Trent’s space like he did, it felt as if he were sucking all of the oxygen from the air and he struggled to breathe. For all the trash he talked, Trent couldn’t back any of it up. Nowadays all Wood had to do was come out of his bedroom and Trent became a hot, horny mess.

He stared straight ahead, his heart thundering in his chest. “Yeah, the teasing and shoving has been fun, but now it’s turning… it’s turning into something more. And I started thinking. What if I drop my guard and let him in… because yeah, I like him.” Trent huffed a humorless laugh. “And then he leaves, Summer. Every man I’ve every cared about in my life always moves on to something better.”

Summer gave him an understanding smile. “I know, love. But you can’t go the rest of your life denying yourself a chance at happiness because it might not work out. What if it does? Just give Wood one itty-bitty chance, T. Please,” she begged, squeezing his cheeks in her icy fingers.

“I already said yes to dinner, all right? Now let me go because you’re making me late,” he said, easing her out of his face.

“I wanna hear all about it tomorrow.” She waved.

“We’re off tomorrow. It’s Friday.”

“Then call me!” she yelled as he pulled off. Trent waved his acknowledgement, then rolled his window up.

Wood, Trent thought as he got on the 264 ramp and hit the gas.

Chapter Fifteen


Wood had just taken the bread from the oven when Trent walked in the house. His roommate removed his coat and hung it on the hook as he glanced around the trailer, noticing where Wood had cleaned and vacuumed in the living room. Even polished the coffee table and straightened the old books and magazines that’d littered the top. A slow smile spread across Trent’s handsome face when he walked into the brightly lit kitchen that smelled of seared beef and garlic. Wood stood leaning against the sink, watching Trent’s every expression and knowing he’d done something right.

Trent went to the sink and washed his hands, shyly cutting his eyes toward Wood. “Smells good.”

“Let’s hope it tastes that way,” Wood answered.

Trent stood in front of the stove and lifted the lid off the pot and peeked inside. “Wow. Actually looks edible too.”

“You’re welcome.” Wood couldn’t resist easing up behind Trent and resting his chin on his shoulder, if nothing more than to see what he’d do. “I’ve been slaving in this house all evening for you.”

Trent threw his head back and laughed, and Wood just barely stopped himself from turning and kissing Trent’s throat. “And how would you like me to show my appreciation, Wood?”