Brody met his eyes again. “That’s temporary, Wood, and you know it. You’re just getting started; it’s going to take some time. Be patient.”

“I will. And as I wait, I’ll do it in the bed of an amazing man.” Wood smiled.

“Get out of my damn car.” Brody shoved him, trying but failing to hide his grin.

Wood ducked his head when Brody lowered the automatic window. “I’ll be home if you need me.”

“I won’t need you.”

“Just in case he says let’s wait a bit longer, I don’t want you to jump off a bridge.” Brody laughed loudly.

“Oh trust me. I’m not worried.” He told Brody he’d see him at tomorrow night’s meeting, then waved as he backed out of the driveway.

Wood went inside, quickly hung up his jacket, and hurried down the hall to his bedroom. He heard Trent’s sultry jazz filtering into his room while he scrambled to piece together a halfway decent outfit. Crap. He only had twenty minutes to shower and change. Wood tossed a pair of slightly faded black jeans on the bed and a thick green sweater. When he finished in the bathroom—his shave taking the longest—he sprinted to his room to get dressed. He plucked a couple of pieces of lint from his sleeve as he checked himself over in the full-length mirror on the back of the door. He didn’t look bad, but he’d definitely cleaned up better. He wished he knew what had happened to all his nice clothes.

Wood closed his bedroom door and tapped his knuckles on the one across the hall. “Hey, you ready?”

“Yes. And you’re late,” Trent said from the direction of the living room.

Wood grinned widely and walked down the hall knowing his night was going to be amazing, and it hadn’t even gotten started. “I apologize. I got in as soon as I—” Wood turned the corner and stuttered to a dead stop at the first sight of his date. He had no clue what expression he wore, but a pretty red tint began to cover Trent’s jaw and creep down into that sexy turtleneck he wore.

Trent stood and glanced at a silver watch on his right wrist, giving Wood a teasing smirk. “All you had to do was shower, shave, and show up. I hear that men get points taken off when they’re late for a first date.”

“Forgive me,” Wood said, his voice throaty as he took unconscious steps toward Trent. Everything about this man pulled him to him, especially his slick tongue and those challenges he liked to dish out.

Trent’s eyes flashed with heat, and his nostrils flared when Wood was only a few feet away. If he didn’t get his hands on Trent in the next second, he would lose his damn mind. Trent appeared to have gone all out for their evening. He wore dark blue jeans that didn’t look secondhand and faded like his own. He had on a designer black turtleneck that molded seamlessly to his firm chest and accented his slim waist. But that wasn’t even the best part. Wood cupped the side of Trent’s neck with one hand and gently fingered the white-gold cross hanging around his neck and resting between his nice pecs. Wood placed a lingering kiss on Trent’s forehead, closing his eyes at the amazing scent he caught of his hair.

“You’re forgiven,” Trent breathed against his chin.

Wood tilted Trent’s head and softly kissed his lips, staring in his eyes as he did. “You look beautiful. I don’t…” Wood frowned, feeling confused but mostly mesmerized as he dragged his thumb down Trent’s jaw that looked even more prominent with its new trim. “I have no other words.”

Wood was still trying to think of something eloquent or chivalrous to say, but he was stunned to silence. How’d he get this lucky? It wasn’t as if his feelings were unrequited because he could gaze in Trent’s rum-colored irises for hours and bathe in the desire he saw there for him. The man in his arms was trembling as hard as he was, his lips slack and almost begging for a deeper kiss. Not able to contain himself, Wood wrapped his arms tight around Trent’s body and tried to consume him from the outside. Trent’s tender lips pressed insistently against his own, and Wood felt the moan began in his chest before he released it inside Trent’s mouth.


Trent lapped hungrily at every groan Wood made. And even though he was the one feeling out of his league, Trent also felt a twinge of power that he could reduce such an imposing man like Wood to raspy whimpers. Trent felt his dick getting harder and pulled back, not wanting to get any stains on his jeans. He pushed his nose against Wood’s throat and inhaled, smiling as he thought about Edison’s description of Wood’s cologne.