Trent wrapped both arms around the pillow under Wood’s head and hugged him closer, wanting to be as connected to him as he could in that moment. He’d never felt so light-headed from being kissed, and Wood was slowly teasing his sanity with the gentle licks across his bottom lip. Trent tried to control his breathing, but Wood was suffering the same as him. Wood’s beard brushed against his, causing more of those unique sensations to tingle all over his body. More! Trent’s mind hollered, and his mouth obeyed.

Chapter Thirty-One


“Mmmm,” Wood moaned as he sucked on Trent’s curious tongue. The past few weeks had felt more like months as he waited for his roommate to stop teasing him and make his move. Or to at least admit to himself that he wanted to.

Wood was resting his head comfortably on the pillow, his body relaxed in Trent’s strong arms as he held him tightly to him. The kiss was quickly building in passion, and Wood fought to stay in control and not flip Trent over on his stomach and pounce on top of his ass. He dug his hand in Trent’s hair and pulled, groaning when he was rewarded with more tongue searching deep in his mouth.

“You taste as good as you smell,” Trent whispered along his cheek, coming up for air.

Wood let his head fall to the side so Trent could continue his quest, trying to allow him this time to get to know what he liked in a man without swaying him. Wood enjoyed the smattering of kisses along his Adam’s apple and up his jawline. He’d been handling himself fairly well until Trent rubbed his smooth beard along his, erotically scraping their jaws against each other, and Wood’s hips came off the couch.

He captured Trent’s gasp as he drove his tongue inside for a thorough taste of that smart mouth. It tasted as spicy as he thought it would, and the more he pulled on that thick bottom lip, the deeper he wanted the taste. Their tongues tangled and dueled for long stretches of time, until Wood’s thigh was damp from his precome. Trent was driving him to the brink, moaning and grunting against his own ragged breaths, the sounds of their kiss reminding him of a climactic scene in an erotic movie.

Wood continued to hold Trent’s jaw while he eased his other hand beneath the covers. He couldn’t resist as he curled his fingers around his throbbing shaft, his palm gliding along the slickness. His mouth fell open, and Trent eased back, his eyes cutting to Wood’s obvious movements beneath the comforter. He saw the interest and fear in those warm eyes before a flash of determination settled over his handsome face.

“Trent.” Wood’s voice was pained from his thirst, yet he didn’t care how he sounded. “I need you so bad. Just a taste, Trent. Please.”

Trent’s breathing tripled, and the expression on his face told Wood it was more from excitement than fright. He couldn’t wait another night, another hour—he needed Trent to give him something. Even a taste would suffice, so at least he’d know he had something to look forward to besides more flirting and teasing.

“I just wanna sample, baby,” Wood purred as he tossed his pillow from under his head. “I need more than your mouth. I do. I need you so much.”

Trent licked his lips, then did it again as if the flavor lingering on them was pleasing. He nodded his head slowly but didn’t release him when he tried to turn over. “Maybe you should still be taking it easy.”

Wood smiled slyly because he could clearly see and feel that was the last thing Trent wanted him to do. He pulled Trent to his mouth and claimed him again, tried to kiss him senseless until he felt too damn good to question the feelings. Both of them moaned loudly, and Trent’s hips rose beneath him, his hard cock stabbing Wood between his shoulder blades. It took a while, but they eventually broke apart.

Trent dropped his head against the couch cushion, and Wood took that opportunity to turn over and bury his face in Trent’s lap. All finesse was gone at his first smell of another man’s lust for him after so long. The front of Trent’s shorts was damp, almost as much as his own, and his cock was pressing aggressively against his chin. Wood inhaled as deeply as he could placing his arms on either side of Trent’s hips. Why did he have to smell so intoxicating? Wood rubbed his face back and forth, scrubbing his beard against the soft cotton material covering Trent’s bulge.

“Wood,” Trent sighed as if content, and Wood hadn’t even gotten to the good part yet.

In the back of his mind he could hear Brody telling him to go slow, to be leery of physical dependencies while he was in the program. But right now his desire for Trent’s body was carnal, borderline obsessive. There were just so many delicious layers to him, how could he not be? Wood opened his mouth and sucked on the head of Trent’s cock, saturating it through his thin pants. Persistent hands held the back of his head, and that was all the green light he needed.