“Yes,” was his lone reply. Bull didn’t seem to need much convincing as his eyes seemed to devour his face before he leaned in and buried his head in the bend of Fox’s neck, his lips pressed to his pulse. It wasn’t a good-morning kiss, but more of a welcome-to-my-world” embrace. Fox rubbed the smooth planes of Bull’s lower back, sinking into him. They seemed to be great at hugging.

Fox eased his hand between them, journeying downward until he was cupping Bull’s heavy balls, giving him an even better reason to stay in bed with him. Fox’s dick took full notice of Bull’s growl as he massaged his sac as though he was working two stress balls. Bull’s cock was pipe-hard, and he thought it’d be a damn shame to let that good morning hardness go to waste.

“Yeah.” Bull sighed lazily, spreading his legs to give Fox more room.

He was just considering a nice hard ride on Bull’s lap when the door to the barn burst open as if a mob was behind it. Too much happened all at once for Fox to process as his heart rate skyrocketed at Bull possibly being in danger. The thought made panic slice through his stomach like a hot blade through butter. Fox shielded Bull with his upper body as he whipped his arm out and pulled his Smith & Wesson from beneath his pillow.

“You said authorized personnel only, Bull,” Fox growled, fear rippling under his skin like fire ants as he held his weapon steady in a one-hand grip. Waiting.

Bull was barely able to lift his shoulders off the mattress from where Fox had him pinned. But he carefully pressed down on Fox’s arm. “Easy, baby,” Bull murmured against the back of his neck. “It’s okay. I’m pretty sure it’s just—”

“Big Bull, are you fuckin’ up there?” Dale bellowed, sounding as if he was taking the steps two at a time. “You lazy fucking llama. Your ass better be up here.”

Fox dropped his back to the plush mattress as Dale’s big-ass, annoying face appeared round the corner. If Fox had still been pointing his gun, his aim would’ve been targeted at Dale’s crotch. “Fuck, you are one cockblocking son of a bitch, Dale,” Fox muttered, covering his deflating dick with the sheet.

Dale cringed, covering his eyes. “Put that damn thing away before you hurt the poor bastard.”

Fox scoffed. “I think I’ve proven I know how to use a fucking gun.”

“I was talking to Bull,” Dale said dryly as Bull scrambled to get his thick dick inside his underwear.

Fox flipped Dale off as he swung his warm feet out of bed and onto the freezing floor. Man, he could’ve strangled Dale with his bare fucking hands. “I thought this was where you came for privacy, Bull, and to get away.”

“There’s no getting away from me,” Dale rumbled while turning on the electric kettle. “So, which one of you jackasses wants to tell me what happened last night?”

Bull paused in buckling his belt and stared at his foreman. “Why?”

Dale dumped two scoops of instant coffee into one of the mugs while he waited for the kettle to heat. He turned and faced them, then suddenly hollered way too loud, “Because the whole damn town is here!”

“Oh shit,” Fox muttered, then grabbed his pants from the floor, searching for his phone. He had two messages from Free and one from Steele on the driver from last night, who Fox was sure was Newt Thompson. If it’d been an emergency, they would’ve used the earpieces. Which meant he should probably get to work on what they’d found. Whatever was going on outside was just a small county gossip mill being curious about the visitor who blew into town and made the sheriff his bitch in front of everyone. Fox groaned. He should’ve been a bit more low-key, but he’d been swept up in the moment.

Bull touched his shoulder. “Everything okay?”

“I think so.”

“No,” Dale droned loudly. “Everything is not okay. The office is flooded with new sign-ups. The petting zoo is overrun with guests and everyone is asking where you guys are. And there’s a reporter from the Gazette out there, saying he wants an interview.”

Bull’s brows rose even higher. “Sign-ups.”

“More women than men.” Dale poured hot water into his mug, then headed back towards the stairs. “So, I need you to get your head out of the clouds, get on your horse, and put on a show, because this could be the solution to our winter layoff problem.”

“Yeah. If business picks up, we’ll be solid.” Bull smiled.

“Lookin’ more like we’ll have to do some hiring,” Dale said, then jogged down the stairs. “Hurry up. Mercy’s already saddled.”

Fox had finished putting on his clothes since their morning fun time was officially over. He stood in Bull’s arms, soaking up their last few seconds before they were both slammed with work.