Fox pointed at a framed picture of a smiling boy with wild, deep brown hair and mud caked all over his coveralls, standing beside a young horse.

“Me and Mercy when he was just a wild colt and getting me in trouble.”

“This is nice,” Fox said, walking across the thick area rug and sitting in one of the rocking chairs in the makeshift living room. There was no kitchen, but there was a wet bar, a counter holding a hot plate and an electric kettle. “How often do you get to come out here?”

“Not enough.” Bull came and stood directly in front of him, putting the thickness straining in his denims in Fox’s line of sight.

He thought Bull would grip him by the back of the head and bring his mouth to it, but that wasn’t his intention at all. Fox held his breath as Bull went down on both knees before him. Without hesitation, he spread his legs, and strong arms yanked him to the edge of the chair. Fox gasped at the cowboy’s strength before his mouth was taken in a strong, needy kiss.

Fox moaned into Bull’s mouth, already feeling half-drunk. His dick was crammed against Bull’s hard abs that he could feel through his tight T-shirt, and he rutted unashamedly against them. He locked his ankles behind Bull’s back, and the rumble he felt against his neck before teeth bit down on his shoulder told him he wasn’t the only one struggling.

“Hold on tight,” Bull ordered, then stood with one arm wrapped securely around Fox’s waist.

“This is fuckin’ unnecessary,” Fox bit out, but he hooked his arms behind Bull’s neck and tightened his thighs. He’d never admit to liking being carried by another grown man.

“But you fit around me so good.” Bull licked Fox’s neck, not even having the decency to pretend he was having difficulty carrying him.

“Mmm.” His dick pulsed when Bull shifted his hands to his ass and pulled him in tighter, giving Fox that last nudge of leverage he needed. He could get off just like this. “Fuck.” His back hit the softest surface he’d ever felt as Bull’s heft sank his body into the plush cushion, the hard planes of his muscles enfolding him. This wasn’t an ordinary mattress; it was stuffed with something that had him feeling as if he were floating on a cloud.

They kissed like starved teenagers getting their first taste of privacy. Bull had been smart to come out here instead of doing this in the house, because neither of them was being quiet. Bull made quick work of Fox’s boots and jeans, then his own. He scrambled out of his sweater and T-shirt, then discreetly tucked his firearm under one of the pillows. Bull’s head was buried between his pecs, his tongue too busy for him to have noticed. Fox grunted as Bull sucked zealously on his hardened nipple, his rough fingertips pinching the other.

“Come on,” Fox warned, already feeling his balls tightening and threatening to explode. It’d been too damn long, and Bull’s hot tongue, his heavy weight on top of him, those calloused fingers caressing his flesh, his scent of cedarwood, brown sugar, and earthiness was all a stimulating combination that gave Fox a high he thought was impossible to reach. Bull was like no one he’d been with before. A true grit, principled kind of man that they didn’t make in the city.

“You’re not the one in control here, Lieutenant,” Bull murmured, prying Fox’s hands off his shoulders and pinning them at his sides. Fox arched his back, aiming to get closer, but Bull’s strength was uncompromising.

“Please,” Fox moaned, immediately feeling horrified for already begging. The fuck? What was Bull doing to him?

Bull pressed his nose against his boxer briefs and inhaled sharply before he opened his mouth and sucked on his bulge until his saliva soaked through the material. Fox’s curses got caught in his throat as he dug his feet into the feathery comforter.

“Damn, you smell good,” Bull said, or at least that was what Fox thought he panted against his sensitive skin.

His blood was pumping through his body, ringing in his ears, most of it leaving his brain and flooding his dick. Bull released Fox’s wrists and tugged his underwear down his thighs, just enough to swallow him.

“Ungh!” Fox hollered out again, feeling pissed and impatient when Bull chuckled around his length, teasing him. Not finding anything funny, he buried his hand in Bull’s beautiful waves and gave him some encouragement.

As if taking pity on him, Bull hollowed his cheeks and sucked hard enough to make Fox’s spine arch. He made wet, obscene slurping sounds while he pleasured him. Fox gave up trying to be cool and let out a whining grumble. He spread his legs wider and was rewarded with a sweet lap over his balls. Bull’s heavy-lidded eyes met his, and he licked his lips, making them good and wet, and blew him just like that. All tongue and soft lips. Against his taint, around his hole… and inside. Opening him in the most amazing way.