Damnit. “Give me a chance, Dale,” Fox called at his back, but the big foreman only threw one arm up and kept walking towards his own cabin, “I promise I’ll only need one.”

“Whatta ya think they’re talking about out there for so long?” Bull asked, his knee bouncing repeatedly as he waited in the living room for Fox and Dale to finish their conversation.

“Maybe they’re calling a truce. Will you stop the yammering already?” Bull’s father said from his reclined position in his old BarcaLounger. “I’m trying to watch the race.”

Bull slumped. “It’s cars speeding around a track, Pop. Do you really need complete silence?”

Amelia laughed. “Well, I hope they don’t. I rather enjoy watching them go at it. They remind me of my older brothers, Max and Rudy. Like two stooges.”

Bull went to the window to peek outside, just to be sure Fox and Dale weren’t killing each other. But it looked to be a pretty calm conversation. Maybe Fox was finally being honest with him. “They might be out there a while, and I’m beat. Night, Pop, night, Amelia.”

“Night, son.”

“Sleep well.”

Bull didn’t know when he’d dozed off or for how long, but when he woke, it was still dark outside and his covers had been pulled up to his chin… again. He shivered in the cold room since he’d forgotten to turn the heater up. He rubbed at his tired eyes as he reached for his cell phone on the nightstand when he noticed the silhouetted man sitting in a chair by the open window. His eyes popped wide before he growled, “Fox. Jesus.”

Fox had his hands steepled in front of him as if he was in deep thought. “It’s cold in here.”

“So why are you all the way over there in front of the window? Why didn’t you get in bed?” Bull’s dick was already liking the sound of that.

“You were asleep. I promised I’d never disturb you.” Fox’s voice sounded off. “You look so peaceful when you sleep, Dominic. I wish I could sleep like that.”

“You don’t sleep?”

“Not often. If I sleep… I dream.”

Bull propped himself against the padded headboard. “Do you watch me sleep a lot?”


“I’ve never seen you in here.” Bull’s body started to heat. To know that Fox had come into his room without him knowing was more of an aphrodisiac than he thought.

“You’ll see me if I want you to. Like now.”

“Do you touch me when I’m asleep?”

Fox snorted lightly. “No. That’s disgusting… and just… wrong. I prefer my lover conscious. But I do pull your blanket up sometimes.”

Lover. “How have I never noticed you? I’m a pretty light sleeper,” Bull confessed.

“Not as light as you think. Working as hard as you do, it’s no surprise that you pass out as soon as you hit a soft surface.”

“Fox,” Bull called out. He was done with the chitchat. “Come here.”

Fox moved like a stealthy cat, his steps silent, which stumped Bull because he had no carpeting. He stood at the foot of Bull’s bed, gripped the hem of his sweater, and tugged it over his head in one fluid motion.

Now we’re getting somewhere. Bull reached over and turned on the reading lamp on his nightstand. He blinked, waiting for his eyes to adjust so he could see all that Fox was offering. His sleek chest rose and fell at the same rate as his own, and Bull licked his lips at the tight buds that peeked from beneath the sexy graying hairs.

Next Fox removed his… Oh fuck. Bull shifted his legs, his cock leaking as Fox first had to remove the lethal-looking, black handgun he’d had tucked behind his back. A sound escaped Bull’s throat that he’d never heard before, and Fox shot him a sexy as fuck grin. He reached into his boxer briefs to adjust his cock that was growing down his thigh as Fox slowly unbuttoned his denims and let them fall to the floor.

With his underwear still on, Fox stalked up the bed towards him, his shoulder muscles rolling as he did, reminding Bull of a panther on the prowl. Fox ran his hand up the inside of Bull’s thigh, bypassing his swollen dick, until he was caressing his chest. He tilted his head back as best he could and groaned at the sensual massage. “Mmm. Feels good.”

“Lie down,” Fox told him, his voice low and suave. “All the way.”

Bull eased down until he was under the covers, never taking his eyes off the intensity radiating in Fox’s stormy irises, and he was pleasantly overwhelmed when Fox nestled in with him. He’d thought the lieutenant was about to school him in the ways of mature lovemaking, but to his shock, Fox wrapped his strong arms around him from behind and whispered against the back of his ear, “Sleep.”

Bull opened his mouth to object, but as Fox continued the caressing and kneading over his tense shoulders, Bull’s eyelids fluttered closed. He wanted this man so damn badly he was afraid he’d end up doing something to Fox at the most inopportune time because he couldn’t stand the waiting any longer.