Fox made sure to put on his most charming smile, and the moment he did, Bull’s hooded eyes fell to his lips and lingered there. “Okay then.”

“Okay,” Bull murmured, inching closer. He brushed his knuckle down Fox’s beard until he was cupping his chin.

Yes. Fox tilted his head back farther, desire burning like a hot stone in the pit of his stomach. There was a bite to the air that carried a faint scent of pine and hay, the sky turning a pretty, darkening purple. It was the perfect time. Bull leaned in until his mouth touched the corner of his, causing a growling rumble to form in the cowboy’s chest that made Fox go from needing to achingly hard.

“Hey, boss!” Dale blurted, trotting up to them on Brandy with enough noise and dust to destroy the moment.

Bull seemed hesitant to ease away as he glared up at Dale, who appeared completely unapologetic. The ranch was closed, so there were no customers or kids around to witness anything they’d been about to do. So, they hadn’t been worried about being seen… only interrupted.

“Yeah, Dale. Is the back field on fire?”

Dale snorted, then cut his eyes to Fox. “Nope. Just letting you know the boys have wrapped up for the day.”

“Thank you for relaying that breaking news, Dale,” Fox grumbled.

“Anytime, big city. See you guys at dinner.” Dale clicked his teeth, then trotted off, looking pleased with himself.

“It’s considered real un-cowboy-like to shoot a man off his horse from behind, right?”

Bull laughed louder than Fox had ever heard him laugh before—hell, even Dale glanced over his shoulder in surprise. But, Bull was quick to recover and went back to being the big, silent man he was. “Um, no. You shouldn’t shoot a man in the back… but in Dale’s case, I might make an exception.”

Fox smiled, and they continued to the barn, casting each other suggestive glances. Once inside, Bull led Dolly to the cables to complete her after-ride grooming before putting her in her stall. While Bull was lost in checking Dolly’s legs—and droning on about picking trapped stones from hooves—Fox felt that intense pull again coming from the other side of the barn. And just like before, he couldn’t stop himself from gravitating towards it. It was the way he felt when someone was crying out for him to save them.

“Hey,” Fox whispered when he was standing a few feet from Diablo’s stall. “I didn’t sneak up on you this time… and that asshole Dale isn’t with me.”

Diablo looked as if he hadn’t moved from the same cautious position he’d been in a couple of days ago. His bedding was cleaned but still destroyed, as if he’d had a tantrum, and the water bucket had been removed.

“Can I come closer?” Fox asked softly, all while taking a tentative first step. “I’ve never, ever hurt an animal. Now, I’ve killed many men. Bad, evil men.” Fox closed the distance some more. “But may I never in my life have to kill an animal.”

Diablo came forward, his head low, tail down but not tucked. Fox remembered learning that it meant the horse was scared, nervous. The massive black horse was out of the rear of the stall, and Fox was able to see him better in the dim lighting. His eyes weren’t as dark as his sleek onyx coat; instead, they were a dark chocolate brown that caused Fox to almost lose his breath. He stood with his chest at the door and slowly extended his right hand towards him. Fox waited with the air trapped in his lungs as Diablo pressed the tip of his nose against his fingertips. His lungs seemed to collapse as gusts of air and joy escaped him.

“Hi” was all he could manage to sigh. His heart beat fast as Diablo made a nickering sound and nudged in a bit more until his eye was almost level with his. “You’re so big. What kind of horse are you?”

“He’s an Arabian gelding.” Bull’s voice came from behind him, and Fox hadn’t noticed someone had crept up on him. Maybe if it’d been someone dangerous or someone he didn’t like, Diablo probably would’ve reacted the same way he had this afternoon.

“He seems to like you,” Fox whispered to Bull as he leaned against his back and ran his steady hand up Diablo’s forehead.

“It was a while before he let me touch him. A lot longer than it took you. He likes you too… very much.” Bull’s lips danced against his temple as he spoke. His melodic voice calmed Fox’s racing heart so much that he leaned back into Bull’s firm chest.

“How do you know he likes me?” Fox breathed.

Bull slid his other hand that wasn’t petting Diablo up Fox’s stomach, causing the muscles to quiver until he got to his right pec. “Because you feel it right here… don’t you?”