He was on his way to the barn to get his tack together, and then he was instructed to go to the south training field to say hello to the horse he’d connected with over the past week. Fox had looked at Bull strangely when he kept mentioning a connection with an animal. Because how in the hell was he supposed to accomplish that?

“Well, look who’s got some actual cowboy boots.” Dale trotted up behind him on his big horse he called Brandy. “Those look to be nice and worn too… where’d you get ’em, Fox? From Milli’s Thrift on Main Street?”

“How would you like me to drop-kick you off your own fuckin’ horse?” Fox glared up at Dale as he rode beside him, his dirty-blond curls sticking from the back of his gray cowboy hat. He seemed so damn big and sure on that beautiful creature’s back, and Fox was determined now more than ever to learn how to do the same.

Dale stopped and leaned over, his mossy-green eyes flashing with distrust. “And how the fuck would a land surveyor know how to do that?”

Shit. Fox muttered, “Don’t you have work to do?”

“And I’m doing it.” Dale dismounted easily while his horse was still moving and fell into stride beside him.

Fox ignored how much Dale liked to show off his fancy footwork. They’d only taken a couple of steps when Bull’s young but wildly sexy stable manager ran up and asked if he could tend to Brandy for Dale. The foreman did not even spare the guy a glance as he handed over the lead and continued to give Fox shit.

“His name is Rid, right?” Fox asked, still watching the young man watch them as he walked away. “I’ve only seen him a couple times.”

“Yeah. He’s the stable manager.”

“He likes you.” Fox chuckled when Dale almost tripped over his own boots.

“What?” Dale whipped his head around in time to see Rid blush and look away. Dale continued to gape in that direction. “No, he doesn’t.”

Trap set.

Fox continued walking, and just as he thought, Dale ran and caught up to him. “I know what I saw,” Fox added. “You should stop spending time blocking me, asshole, and go after a guy who’s actually interested in you.”

“I know what I saw too.”


“You walking around last night… messing with the cameras. Bull know about your midnight strolls?”

“Of course,” Fox threw back. “He knows I have a thing for jerking off behind barns, on camera, in the middle of the night. What’s wrong with that?”

Dale did a double take. “Get your ass in there and get your tack. I wish I was your trainer… I’d tell you to ride without a goddamn helmet.”

Fox’s laugh burst from him before he could stop it, and Dale smirked with that stupid piece of straw tucked into the corner of his mouth.

“So how was you and Bull’s ride last night?” Fox asked as if he didn’t give a damn.

“Dark. Unseasonably cool.” Dale raised one brow. “I don’t know… quiet.”

“Mmhmm,” Fox hummed.

“What now?” Dale growled.

“I noticed you didn’t describe it as romantic.”

Dale almost cringed before his face went blank. “So?”

“So, I would’ve.”

“I’m not you.”

“Right, I know. I also know you’re not interested in your friend romantically; you just don’t want him dating someone like me. So, you’d rather what… fake like you like him? Try to pretend date him.” Fox scoffed. “And you say I can’t be trusted.” Fox could see Dale’s resolve withering right before him. “That’s fine. I have no problem proving this to you—I got the time. I can’t wait to join you guys on those dark, unseasonably cool rides of yours.”

“Our rides are private. We discuss things.”


“Like none of your business,” Dale grunted.

“I’ll know soon enough because Bull can’t wait to ride with me.”

Dale acted as if he was in deep thought. “Funny. He never mentions you when we’re out. However, he does talk about how well I take care of his ranch, and how if it wasn’t for me, he doesn’t know how he’d make it through each day.” Dale nudged Fox with his shoulder. “You know… like… the kinds of things you tell a boyfriend.”

“No, you prick. Those are the kinds of things you tell your employee of the fuckin’ month.” Fox sucked his teeth. “If I believed for one second that you did actually like Bull—which I don’t—why the hell haven’t you made a move before I came? You been here how long?”

Dale didn’t face him, his gaze bouncing everywhere but in his direction. “I was waiting for the right time.”

Liar. Fox chuckled. “Well, you waited too damn long.”

Dale clenched his teeth. “Bull and I have history, y’know. If it wasn’t for him, I’d probably be doing twenty-five-to-life for murder. He’s my best friend, Fox. The only man I’ve ever been able to call that.”