Bull hummed. “I was just thinking the same thing about you. You look as if you can use some shut-eye.”

“Yeah, it feels like yesterday never ended. But I have a job to do right now, so rest can wait.” Fox stood and stretched his arms high over his head, and Bull saw the butt of his firearm tucked into his waistband.

Bull swallowed as a surge of ecstasy shot through him. He’d seen Fox use his weapons before, and he was mildly ashamed how much that turned him on. It was because the man was a protector, and in Bull’s opinion, that was the most attractive quality a man could possess.

Bull wondered how his life would’ve been if he’d settled and married that coward who’d jumped ship on him—literally—and not waited for a strong man like the one in front of him. Fox was a striking individual; it made no sense how or why he was still single. What was he waiting on? There had to be plenty of men in the city he could have his pick of.

Bull figured he could either continue to sit there and deny what he wanted because he was still nervous about being played for a sucker, or he could grow a fucking pair. Without much thought to what he was going to do, Bull got up and moved across the porch until he was standing behind Fox. He stood as close as he dared, which was pretty fucking close, and dipped his head until his mouth was near Fox’s temple. “Your rest doesn’t have to wait. I can take a look at what you found after you wake up. It was a broken window, Fox, not a homicide.”

Fox must’ve tilted or subtly shifted his body because before he knew it, Bull’s nose was buried in the soft gray-and-black hair on top of Fox’s head. “You practically look asleep standing up. You had a long night,” Bull murmured, his voice too gritty to whisper.

“There’s a break in the fence on the side of the house that leads to the road. It won’t take long to show you. Then I’ll take a quick nap so I’ll be ready for tonight.” Fox turned so his entire right side was pressed against Bull’s chest. He could feel the warmth of his contact even through his thick jacket.


“Yeah, tonight.” Fox looked up at him, and Bull’s gaze dropped to those lips. Fox smirked and pulled his bottom one between his teeth, his tongue peeking out as he did. “You do know that I have every intention of catching these guys for you, right? They most likely won’t come back so fast, but this gives me time to set my trap.”

Bull held in his groan. Fuck, his dick was rock solid. What the hell was wrong with him? Fox was talking about strategy, serious shit, and there he was getting off to it. Bull wanted to speak, to say something professional, useful, or hell, even appreciative, but he managed neither.

Fox’s eyes were on him, like liquid steel licking over his face, his toned body nestled against Bull’s chest. So much goddamn man packed into that tight frame. “I know that look in your eyes, Bull.”

“I bet you do.” I also bet a lot of men and women give you the same one I am.

There was a glint of mischievousness that accompanied that damn grin, and Bull almost surged forward to kiss it off Fox’s face. Fox gripped the front of Bull’s jacket and gave a sharp tug, causing a gust of air to escape his lungs.

“The sooner I fix this vandalism problem…” Fox lowered his gaze to Bull’s obvious hardness. “The sooner I can fix that one.”

“Show me the fence,” Bull rumbled.

Fox reluctantly released Bull, his nostrils flaring as he took long, slow breaths, maybe in an effort to calm himself, but he liked a worked-up, horny Big Bull. Fox wasn’t far from that title himself. It’d been so long since he’d attempted to have some male company that he’d stopped keeping count. His romantic life had become secondary, while around him his friends, his team, began to settle down and prepare for their later years.

All those times he’d stayed late at the station working cold cases because he didn’t think he’d earned that kind of peace was beginning to feel like the self-inflicted punishment it was. Fox needed to stop and enjoy what was around him.

He’d been married to the badge, not taking much of life’s joy for himself, and he was hoping to change his miserable fate. He’d gone out with Hart and the head of the narcotics task force, God, a few times for a drink, and they’d even been pretty decent wingmen. However, the few guys Fox had met all thought it was cool to date a SWAT officer—they loved the porno-fantasy-come-to-life idea of it. But the long hours of the job and the persistent danger… that they didn’t care for so much. It took a unique brand of man to be able to partner with a law enforcement officer. Fox knew those men were out there because even his captain had found love. But as of yet, Fox hadn’t met anyone who was distinctive enough to hold his interest.