He barely had a chance to slow his breathing after Ruxsberg and Green ended their kiss. He watched Ruxs shove his partner into the large cab of the truck and burn rubber out of the lot. It didn’t take a genius to figure out the reason for his hurry.

Another video began, dated just the other night. Slade was somehow able to shoot this one from a higher angle as if he was on a neighbor’s roof, or in a tree, watching. Godfrey was staring out his back window as if he felt like something was off, like he was being watched. Ex glanced at Slade, feeling his annoyance elevate.

Meridian’s sharp inhale made Ex dart his gaze back to the screen in time to see Godfrey’s husband appear at the door to one of the rooms in their home in nothing but a towel. Godfrey seemed to had forgotten all about the uncomfortable feeling he’d been having, his focus now on the naked man staring affectionately at him. There’d been little discussion before Godfrey had his husband in his arms. He started to take him right there on his large desk, his hands and tongue devouring Lieutenant Day like a starving man. God made his partner’s head fly back and his mouth drop open when he buried his head between his thighs. As if refusing to watch another second, Meridian reached around Ex and slammed the laptop closed, making Slade flinch.

“We said to get us some useful surveillance on the task force overseeing Evan’s case. Not make a fucking porno,” Meridian growled, yanking the flash drive out of the port and crushing it in his fist.

Ex fought not to close his eyes and enjoy it. He was already buzzing from the small piece of live sex he’d seen from two very strong and capable men. Partners.

“This is useful,” Slade argued.

“How is fucking his husband useful?” Ex shook his head, trying to clear the fog.

“Because they’re all in love and shit. And you guys don’t feel anything. You can use this against them if they get in your way. They won’t put their lovers in harm’s way.”

“You’re wrong. We’ve seen them operate together. This is what these men do. Did you see the arrests they’ve made, the raids they’ve been in? They do the big busts, and they’re not hesitant in the field because they trust each other’s abilities.” Meridian finally moved from behind Ex as he stared down at the files with those dark eyes. “A man who can partner with the one he loves doesn’t make him weaker... it makes him more dangerous.”

The following day they’d gotten to work on their laptops, barely taking a break to eat or drink. Now, it was after eleven and Meridian was starving. He glanced up to ask Ex if he wanted to go to the late-night diner he’d seen on the edge of town, only to find he was already looking at him. Meridian raised his brow in a silent question but Ex just dropped his gaze and went back to staring at his monitors. They’d been quiet ever since that damn video of the lieutenants, casting quick glances at each other, then turning away.

“What are you watching?” Meridian asked, standing and stretching his hands towards the ceiling.

“I’m watching some of the task force’s more recent busts. They’re good... really good. Maybe a little heavy-handed at times, but not enough to have the cases completely thrown out. They come under heavy return fire and strong resistance to arrest, and still they’re doing everything by the book. They’ve made multiple arrests in Evan’s case and each one has been released at the instruction of the prosecutor’s office. Unless the fucking DDA has a confession, it’s like he can’t secure a damn conviction.” Ex huffed in frustration then stood abruptly.

“Confession, huh?” Meridian cocked his head. “Are you searching in the Atlanta PD database?”

“Yeah.” Ex rubbed his hand over his buzzed hair.

“You got the records of the ones released?”

“Yep.” Ex turned from where he’d been looking out of the window. “You thinking what I’m thinking?”

“Most likely,” Meridian said. He started to walk towards his partner when he saw him inhale sharply and hold his breath. The average person wouldn’t’ve noticed but it was his duty to recognize every single thing Ex did. Meridian caught the subtle movement and paused briefly before he continued. Ex tried to cover his slip-up by coughing into his palm but he’d failed. Meridian didn’t stop advancing until they were only inches apart. “But first, I want food. We haven’t eaten since breakfast.”

“That sounds good.” Ex’s voice was huskier than usual. His cool, ivory skin was flushed around his cheeks and Meridian felt a fluttering in his stomach as he watched Ex try to control himself while he practically stood on top of him. He didn’t know for sure what the hell was going on with them but he wouldn’t say he disliked it. “Let me get my coat.”