“A romantic comedy?” Ex asked with a small chuckle.

“My love isn’t unconditional, Xavier.” Meridian glared. “Find an action movie or something medieval.”

Ex laughed even louder, and Meridian couldn’t resist pulling him to him and tasting what it was like to feel so much joy that it made a man laugh out loud. Ex gasped before he quickly surrendered to him. Meridian leaned in closer, sealing their mouths and flicking his tongue along Ex’s curved lips until his own came out to play.

“Mmmm,” Ex moaned seductively, inching nearer until he was almost on his lap. “I thought you wanted to watch a movie.”

“I do. I just... I’m not used to hearing you laugh... it’s fuckin’ with me,” Meridian admitted, nipping at the corner of Ex’s jaw.

“Yeah, well,” Ex muttered, tilting his head to give him better access. “Don’t get used to it.”

Meridian didn’t feel the urge to laugh, but he did feel his mouth tug at the corners as Ex settled back against his chest and selected a movie called The Head Hunter. About an hour into the excellent story, Ex started to shiver as if he was standing outside without a coat. The heat was on and the fireplace was blazing but he was still freezing. Meridian was starting to get concerned that maybe Ex needed to see the Doc again about his side effects. He pulled the heavy green and beige quilt off the back of the sofa and wrapped it around Ex’s upper body.

Meridian had been in a dead sleep when Ex’s terrified shout scared him so badly that he jerked forward and pulled his suppressed forty-five, turning the deadly weapon into an extension of his own arm. He aimed it at the front door first, remembering where they were. If anyone was coming for Ex he was going to shoot first, and ask questions later. He gripped his piece, scanning the entire cabin as he held the trembling man in his lap, close to his chest.

When he realized there was no threat he placed his weapon beside him and glanced down at Ex still clutching him. His eyes were red and moist, and his cheeks were splotched red as if he’d been fighting. Meridian slowed his own breathing so he could be there for his partner.

“It was just a dream,” Meridian croaked.

Ex must’ve knocked the quilt off because Meridian had to pick it up from the floor and place it back around Ex’s shoulders. He tried to warm him with friction by rubbing his arms, and back but it didn’t appear to be working. Ex shook harder as he held on to Meridian.

“Breathe, Ex.” Meridian began to unbutton his dress shirt and Ex watched him through heavy-lidded eyes. When his bare chest was exposed he removed Ex’s shirt and pulled him into him so he could once again give him his body heat.

“Mere,” Ex said, his teeth chattering so hard it made Meridian ache for him.

“Calm yourself. Breathe. It was just a dream.” Meridian didn’t know how long he stayed that way, gazing down at Ex before his eyes started to drift closed. About an hour later he felt Ex stir against him, and Meridian cracked his eyes open at the first feel of soft kisses peppering his abdomen.

“Hey. You need to rest,” Meridian argued weakly.

“I don’t wanna go back to sleep, Marshall,” Ex said, popping Meridian’s belt open.

He helped Ex get to what he was reaching for and rose so he could pull his slacks down to his ankles. The brisk air touching his heated cock had him groaning before Ex even took him into his mouth. The rest of his body may have been cold, but his partner’s mouth was hot enough to cook him. Meridian grunted, trying not to cry out like a bitch at how good Ex was making him feel. He hadn’t wanted a blow job so much in all his life. He’d had plenty... but none of them compared to this.

“Ahh, fuck,” Meridian groaned when Ex’s cool, damp hand started to massage his heavy balls. His partner’s satisfied moans and the erotic sounds of slurping and sucking were the soundtrack to his torture as he careened towards an orgasm that almost took his head off. “Xavier!”

Ex didn’t stop no matter how much he bucked and moaned. Not until his balls were deflated and his cock was lying limp along his thigh. Ex rubbed his smooth cheek back and forth over his groin, inhaling and puffing hot air against his flesh. “Not bad for my first blow job, huh?”

Meridian ran his hand through his hair, immensely happy to hear that. He cupped Ex’s jaw and told him with complete sincerity. “The best I’ve ever had.”

Ex stood, letting the quilt fall to the floor. He held his hand out to Meridian, and he didn’t hesitate to take it. He turned off the television, picked up his gun and led them to the bedroom. He got the fire roaring while Ex was in the bathroom. When he came out and got into bed, Meridian covered him until he was no longer trembling, until his body no longer felt as if he’d been trapped outside. Then he made love to him until the sunlight shone through the gap in the curtains the next morning.