God’s head spun and he steadied himself by grabbing Day’s hips with both hands and leaning heavily into him. The contractions were so snug around the base of his dick that all God could do was hang his chin to his chest and thrust. He groaned deep enough to feel the vibration in his balls. They’d been together for seven years, married for three of them, and still the initial feeling of sinking inside his partner was just as new and exciting as the first time.

“Damn,” Day sighed, sounding relieved... thankful.

God tried to open his eyes but he couldn’t. The pleasure too intense. He felt Day’s heels dig into his back encouraging him forward, raising his hips as he did.

“Ungh,” Day grunted.

God took the hint and started to move faster. He’d meant to go slow and easy, but his hips wouldn’t heed the command. Pleasure overwhelmed him and his mind flipped, making being inside of his husband his sole reason for existing.

Day shoved his ass hard back into him, his strong hips meeting his cock thrust for thrust. “That’s it, Cash. Fix it for me.”

“Leo,” God grunted. He took Day’s hard dick which slapped against his stomach with each thrust, and began to pump it with determination. He was going to have to reserve the savoring for round two because this one was about to be over. Day was just too tight, too wet, too fucking good. God’s back stiffened and his ass clenched as he sank forward and ground his cock deep inside Day’s ass, knowing he could take what he had coming.

Day sprayed his seed onto his abs, his cock pulsing in God’s fist, his ass cinching around him and yanking his orgasm from him without his permission. God hollered in surprise then sank his teeth into his lover’s neck to punish him for it. God stumbled with each jolt of his release. He’d never be more defenseless than he was right then—completely off-focus and delirious. If he did go right then, he’d be the only man in Hell wearing a smile.

“Fuck, Leo,” God breathed, his body sprawled across Day’s, too exhausted to move. “I’m useless now.”

Day chuckled tiredly and ran his hands through God’s shoulder-length hair, massaging his blunt fingers into his scalp. He did it long enough to make him want to sleep right there. “Hey. Bed. You’re crushing me.”

“No,” God objected, not moving.

“You make it upstairs and into bed... and I’ll make it worth your trouble,” Day said seductively.

God’s cock twitched, regardless of his fatigue. His husband’s voice should be illegal between the hours of midnight and five a.m. He stood and half pulled his pants over his ass and hauled Day off his desk. They were on their way up the stairs when he got that feeling again. Someone was watching them.

He was sure of it.

Ex had to keep his palms flat on his thighs during the entire one-hour drive to his secluded cabin in Monticello, Georgia. His private home, off the grid, that he wasn’t supposed to have. It was a place he and Evan used to come play around with when things at home got too lonely and their mom was at one of her many jobs. It had been an abandoned, run-down, one-story, three-room disaster when they’d first found it while hiking with their mother’s church youth group. It’d been a good prop to use while they all sat around a campfire and told Blair Witch-inspired stories about the haunted cabin in the woods.

But a month later, he and Evan had come back with hammers, nails, and pulling a wagon loaded with plywood. An abandoned, haunted cabin that quickly became their safe place. They’d worked on it together any time Ex wasn’t at work and Evan wasn’t in school. He’d taught his extremely intelligent brother how to work with his hands and Evan had taken Ex’s love for challenges to a whole other level, and Evan had designed obstacle courses in the surrounding woods for him to practice his agility and speed. As Ex had gotten older, and stronger, he’d built it up more and more.

The rocky trail off of Funderburg Drive wasn’t easy to detect and Ex had to tell Slade where to turn. The brush was overgrown on the narrow track leading to his place and Slade was grumbling at the sound of twigs and bushes scraping the sides of his shiny black Lincoln Navigator. But the man had just gotten paid fifty thousand dollars, so it’d be best for him to stay silent.

His home came into view, and a tightness in his chest threatened to strangle him from the inside. He remembered Evan bouncing anxiously on his heels, waiting on the front porch for him on one of the rare occasions he’d come back. And they were indeed rare. Ex closed his eyes and exhaled at the crushing amount of disappointment he felt. All Evan had wanted was some time with him, and Ex had put his country before his family.