“Jesus.” Hart couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“I had to tell you, Ivan. I don’t want you to think I’m a liar. Or a cheater. Sneaky. Or not who I say I am. I know you’ve heard what I can do. I would never do those things though, for any amount of money. I don’t care about cash. Never have. I just wanna be safe.” Free shook his head slightly. “Tech said you might not like the truth, but I had to tell you anyway.”

He did have a duty to report crimes. But according to him, the one that did the crime—Tech—had already served his punishment. Furthermore, if Free and his mom had used that system to escape a dangerous crime family, then they’d used it exactly for what it was designed. Hart also took a vow to protect and serve. He’d be serving an injustice and putting a woman and her son in harm’s way, not protecting them, if he reported this. No damn way.

“So you all didn’t care about anything else on that list. Just getting you and your mother on it.” Hart’s voice was gravelly. He needed more water.

“No. We had no time to dillydally. Tech had to get in and out fast, but they still pinpointed his location within minutes.” Free looked guilty. “I was headed to the airport with a new identity and Techy was on his way to prison.”

“I’m glad you had Detective Murphy.” Hart said honestly. “I’m glad he helped you.”

“Me too. My mom has an amazing life in Virginia. A caring husband and young step kids to dote on. She’s the happiest she’s ever been.” Free picked at the wood again, his head lowered. “Also, living in a RV isn’t as glamorous as it seems. It’s so lonely. True, I’ve traveled all over the country assisting legit businesses by helping build their technology departments, or networks, and creating inventions along the way. But the moving gets tiresome, ya’ know? Now, I finally feel like I can have a relationship and a life too, if I’m careful.”



Does he mean a life with me? Hart looked around at his home. It was nice and it was his. He didn’t have a lot but what he did have, he could share. He knew he was getting too far ahead of himself.

“If you don’t mind, can I make some tea? I have some in my bag,” Free asked.

Damnit. He was being a terrible host. Who didn’t make sure their guest had a beverage? Hart jumped up, the sound of the chair’s legs scraping against the wood flooring was loud. “I can put on a pot of water to boil.”

“All that’s not necessary. I live in a camper. Just nuking some tap water in the microwave will do me fine.” Free stood and went into the other room, where he’d placed his backpack. When he returned with a small airtight container of teabags, he held it up and asked, “Want a cup too? I have a relaxing blend in here you might like.”

Is that my special surprise I needed? He certainly hadn’t forgot the promise Free had made him think about continually throughout his shower.

“Not much of a tea drinker but I’ll try some.” Hart shrugged.

“So glad you’ll humor me.” Free winked at him, then went about filling the two mugs he’d pulled from the cabinet. When they were finished he brought the cups over and set one in front of Hart. “Smell it first. It’s really good for calming.”

Hart chuckled at the interesting request, but stuck his nose into the mug anyway. He found himself doing anything Free asked him to do. The tea smelled nice. Kind of floral. He hoped it didn’t taste that way, noticing that Free hadn’t bothered with sugar.

“Nice, yes?” Free whispered, watching Hart sip the hot beverage.

It is, kinda. He still had a lot of pain and tension in his neck and shoulders, so he let the piping hot liquid slide down his tongue slowly like Free suggested. It wasn’t bad, almost naturally sweet but it had a grassy undertone that he couldn’t really enjoy. He nodded, staring deeply into the mug as if that’d help the taste. “Not bad.”

“It helps me sleep if I get restless.”

Hart looked up. “Do you get restless often?”

Free locked eyes with him. “I do.”

Hart set his mug of hot tea down, no longer interested in anything that would add to his already rising temperature. He wanted to ask Free, when was he restless? At night? When he was all alone. Because he sure was. Heart in his throat, he clamped his mouth tight, his focus dropping to Free’s mouth.

Free licked his creamy-pink lips, then stood slowly, his gaze never wavering as he moved toward Hart. Damn, everything this man did he did with full concentration and passion. Hart wished he could hide his excitement, but it was a lost cause. His chest rose and fell so fast, as if he was having a heart attack. He slid his chair farther from the table and turned to face him.