The captain didn’t turn back to face God and Steele until most of the officers tucked away their phones and quickly begin to clear out at the idea of being caught by the hard-nosed chief.

Tech watched God and Steele exchange friendly pats on the back and teasing blows while they cooled down. God’s smile was broad, having obviously liked the chance to really test his new team member. Other departments complained that God always got the elite officers, but the team he’d built made him proud – it was why God got up every day at o’dark thirty.

Tech needed to get back to their office, but he didn’t want to. He wanted to go into that locker room and towel dry Steele’s strained muscles, then meet him in the shower to show him just how much that display of power turned him on. While one of the trainers unwrapped Steele’s wrists, his eyes scanned the small crowd that remained, not stopping until his gray stare met his. Tech’s heart skipped a beat at the slight smirk and wink Steele threw his way. It was obvious Steele didn’t give a damn who saw it because a few heads turned to see who Steele was looking at. Tech’s neck heated as he turned away from the knowing looks and made his way from the gym. Hopefully, he wouldn’t have too hard a time hiding his erection as he made his way back to his department.


After an extremely long shower, God walked through the locker room and dropped down on the bench, leaning back against the lockers. He felt like he was still trying to catch his breath. When he’d invited Steele into the ring, he hadn’t expected the man to give him that much of a challenge. It only proved that bigger doesn’t mean better. While God didn’t feel he’d lost, he damn sure didn’t win. Most were calling it a draw, but that’d never happened to him before. He smiled then grimaced when he flexed his abs to sit back up. Steele had really hammered at them good.

God hadn’t realized he’d closed his eyes until he heard Day’s deep chuckle in front of him. “You okay?”

God smirked, shaking his head in disbelief. “I can’t believe how fast and strong that fucker is. His fists feel like goddamn bricks, babe.”

“I’m sure he’s saying the same thing about you.” Day shrugged, standing behind God, rubbing his neck.

“I hope so.” God pulled Day around to stand in front of him. He wrapped his arms around his waist and rested his forehead against the soft material of Day’s sweatshirt. “I wish I could just go home and lay my head in your lap. I’m exhausted.”

“Only got another couple hours. We have to go back to the DA’s office. It’ll be time for us to testify next week. Gonna be long days of sitting in the courtroom and waiting.”

“Augh. Don’t remind me,” God murmured, rubbing his face into Day’s warmth. He was so glad he’d confessed what’d been eating at him for months. He was finally able to really be excited about them tying the knot. There wasn’t another man or woman on this Earth he’d rather spend the rest of his life with. The planning was coming along, especially with the guys chipping in. Tech made some really nice invitations for the reception and sent them by e-vite. They were keeping it to no more than thirty of their closest friends and coworkers, with only their teammates and family watching them exchange vows. God took Day’s hand and linked it with his, kissing the finger he wore his engagement ring on.

“You wanna go grab a bite before we head over?” Day asked while stroking his hand over God’s wet hair.

“No. I wanna go home and shove my—”

“Shh.” Day cupped his hand over God’s mouth. “Not here. What if someone hears you?”

God stood up, walking Day backward until he was pressed against the lockers. “Then they hear me.”

“You’re a hypocrite.” Day smiled up at him. “You’re breaking your own damn rule. No sexy stuff at work. That includes us.”

“But I’m fired up,” God groaned, pressing his towel-covered dick into his lover’s jeans-clad one. “I need. Need you right now.”

“Oh my—” Day let his head fall back when God dipped down and sucked hard on his throat. He felt Day reaching for his cock while he kissed his way back to his mouth.

“Damn,” God hissed at the first heated touch of Day’s palm on his shaft. “Yeah, stroke it, sweetheart. Mmm, just like—”

“You’re both suspended.”

God jumped backward like the guilty man he was at the dark sound of Steele’s gruff voice. The stealthy man stood leaning against the lockers like he’d been there a while. How the hell had he snuck up on them? Evidently, he hadn’t been known as the ghost for nothing. Day plopped down on the bench in front of the lockers and buried his embarrassed face in his hands. God turned away, feeling like the biggest jackass. Day had warned him, but the presence of his partner – always with him – made it hard to fight the urges sometimes. For the bosses to get caught by the new recruit was mortifying. God yanked his boxer briefs from his bag and pulled them up over his ass.