Tech shook his head in exasperation. “It’s not like that. He teaches law enforcement officers tactical and survival techniques. Look, let me explain about the—”

“You’ve made your decision. You don’t need to explain yourself… especially to me. I asked for some of your time, you said no.” Steele pressed Tech’s hand to his cock, which was so hot and hard behind those worn jeans, Tech’s knees almost gave out at the mere thought of that thickness penetrating him. “But you’re out of your damn mind if you think I’m giving you this without it.”

Steele jerked the door to the breakroom open and left Tech standing there with his cock tenting his Levi’s. He guessed he’d met one of the few men in his life who actually wanted to get to know him and Tech had played the guy for an easy lay. He’d led Steele on, flirted and caressed, only to shoot him down as soon as he took a chance and asked him out. Tech was a wolf in geek’s clothing. Nice job, idiot.

After spending ten minutes in the bathroom rinsing his face with cool water, he thought he looked a little less flushed, but it still took a few more minutes to muster up the courage to go back to the office and face Steele. Thankfully, he wasn’t in there. Did I already run him off? Feeling like the world’s biggest prick, he avoided everyone’s curious eyes and went straight to the equipment room to pretend he had work to do in there.

Tech was counting the bullets and triple checking his inventory when Syn walked in, clearing his throat. Of course. “Didn’t go like you thought it would?” Syn asked knowingly, settling himself on the stool beside Tech’s computer.

“What do you mean?” Tech frowned.

“Shawn.” Syn sighed, leveling his midnight eyes on him, giving him a look that said, “Seriously.”

Tech plopped down on the stool next to Syn. “I said something stupid… as usual.”

“Which was…?” Syn prompted.

“He asked me out.” Tech paused for a moment, the words made more mortifying by confessing to his sergeant. “I basically told him… I told him… I don’t have time for that.”

“And that’s so horrible.” Syn rubbed Tech’s forearm. “I think you’re being a little—”

“But I told him we could have sex,” Tech cut Syn off, the words spewing from his mouth in a hurry.

Syn didn’t try to cover his wince. “Ouch. Okay. I think I get it now.”

Tech squeezed his eyes shut and turned back around, dropping his head into his hands.

“Why don’t you want to go out with him? He’s a good-looking guy… if I’m being honest, he’s hot. What’s the problem?”

“I’ve done the relationship thing, Syn. That shit sucks when it all goes sour. A few years ago, I took two weeks off, told God and Day I had the flu but I didn’t. I was so devastated Syn, after Jason left. I’m just trying to not go through that anymore. Casual hookups. That’s all I can do.” Although I haven’t had one in six months. He barely had time for those.

“You really believe you’ll be happy like that forever? I’ve seen the way you look when we’re all hanging out. When God and Day are all over each other, or Ruxs and Green.”

Tech chuckled humorlessly. “Actually, you and Furi are the worst.”

Syn reared back and laughed loudly. “So I’ve heard.”

Tech wished he could laugh at all this, but he failed to see a silver lining.

“That’s my point. You deserve someone all over you, too. And from the looks he gives you… it’s pretty safe to assume he would be.”

“He’s a flight risk,” Tech added.

“What the hell, Tech. We all are. Nothing’s guaranteed.”

“I work long hours.”

“Now you’re just coming up with stuff. You’ll both work long hours… in the SAME office.” Syn yelled the last part in Tech’s ear, making him shrink away.

“I don’t know.” Tech slumped in defeat.

“Think about it. It’s your call.” Syn patted him on his shoulder and left him sitting there. Alone.


Steele sat on top of one of the picnic tables on the side of the precinct building smoking the rest of his sweet cigar. He didn’t know what had just happened in there. One minute they were kissing and feeling each other up, then the next minute he’s calling Tech everything but a child of god. Why’d I say that to him? He was worse than those guys that asked a girl out and when she said no called her a stuck-up bitch. He understood their situation was a little different but he never thought Tech would only want his dick. This wasn’t a college frat house. What was with the guy? Sure, Tech was younger, but not that damn young. Was he not capable of having a relationship? All Steele asked for was dinner, not his hand in marriage.