
The Enforcers and Steele had been gone for a few hours and Tech was always extra mindful when they were in the field. While he waited to hear any calls for assistance, he ate a quick lunch at his desk then went about getting Steele’s desk set up. He’d hooked up the computer, now he was uploading the programs and the APD system. He’d even gotten him office supplies. While he waited for the files to download, he added more ink pens to the desk caddy, repositioned the stapler and Post-it holder for the fourth time. He chewed on his bottom lip, seeing if he’d missed anything… ah, staple refills. He pushed the chair back to his own station and grabbed a box from his drawer. He tucked that in Steele’s top drawer, looking around again.

“I don’t remember you setting up anyone else’s desk like that.” Syn chuckled, looking over at him from his own desk. He’d almost forgotten Syn had come back in the office, he was so quiet over there by the lieutenants’ desks.

“Of course, I did. I set up everyone’s computer.” Tech wouldn’t meet Syn’s eyes, instead concentrating on the progress bar on Steele’s monitor.

“Yes, computer… not supplies and decorations. And is it me, or does he have a bigger monitor than everyone else?” Syn’s voice still held amusement and Tech glared at him while Syn made a point of tilting his own monitor from side to side like he was checking the dimensions.

Tech hid his smile. “Whatever. It’s the same size, just a newer model. Makes it look bigger, that’s all. And putting a desk organizer up here is hardly decoration.”

“It’s mahogany!” Syn laughed harder, getting a kick out of teasing him. He reared back in his chair, clasping his hands in front of him and scrutinizing Tech’s every move.

He tried not to fidget, but it was difficult. Syn was really going to roar when he pulled out the City of Atlanta laminated map he planned to seal onto the top of Steele’s desk instead of that cheesy paper calendar. Tech shook his head, he was doing his job, and he had nothing to be embarrassed about. He pulled the 27x30 inch map out of the wrapper and removed the paper calendar.

“Oh, you gotta be shitting me.” Syn jumped up, his long legs quickly covering the distance between them.

Tech ignored him and went about setting the map up, placing the caddy at the top of it and at the edge of the monitor base. It fit perfectly.

“How come we don’t have those?” Syn gaped, bending to get a closer look. It was an extremely detailed map that also had every law enforcement agency’s location identified. “Oh, come on. I want one.”

“You all don’t need one. Steele is new to the area; he needs to be able to study this when he has a chance. It’ll help him be a better field detective if he knows where he’s going,” Tech answered with a smug grin of his own. “Besides, I made this and I’m not making another one.”

“Mmm. You have the hots for him. Admit it right now.” Syn tried to sit on the edge of Steele’s desk and Tech pushed his thigh off. “It’s not uncommon to fall for a guy that roughs you up a bit… in a hot way.”

“Shut up, that’s absurd and I don’t, anyway. I’m doing my job, that’s it.”

“Please. I want one… make me a map, too.” Syn pouted. An absolutely ridiculous look for a man who had three different weapons on him.

“You know this city like the back of your hand. But fine… fine. I’ll make you one. You’re such a spoiled brat. Go on, go back to work.” Tech continued to push.

“Hey, that’s my line.”

Tech was glad when he left. He could feel his face getting warmer. Damn, he wished he could grow a full beard sometimes, to hide when he got flushed. Unfortunately, that wasn’t in his makeup either. He could grow a few strands on his chin but it was so sparse, it ended up being a source of ridicule, so he kept it shaved off. He had no problem flicking off the guys when they teased him, but he wanted to keep down the talk of him having a crush.


They’d sat outside the dockworker’s house for six-and-a-half hours. From the details of his file, Samuel Walker got off his shift at five. It was almost seven. Steele wasn’t a stranger to surveillance or long periods of waiting, and according to Ruxs and Green’s behavior, neither were they. Every now and then, they’d make a comment or ask Steele a question, but for the most part, they were silent… professional. Which he was grateful for, because if the two of them talked non-stop about date nights or their hot lovemaking the night before, Steele might’ve stabbed them both through the seats.