She was alone at last with the man she’d secretly and constantly adored for so long—the man she longed to give herself to without reservation—his to control, to mold, to possess, to love… Tonight he would see, at last, that they were destined for one another. Moved by her submissive grace and obedience, he would replace her staff slave collar with his own, claiming her fully as his 24/7 slave girl. He would make all her deepest, darkest dreams come true. She would exist solely to serve and please him, to suffer for him, to exalt him as her Master in all things…

The pain was easing now into that sweet, powerful place that was richer and deeper than pleasure. She sagged heavily against her cuffs, surrendering fully to Master Ryan as he relentlessly whipped her with the snapping leather.

She drifted in a lovely fantasy, wrapped in Master Ryan’s arms as they floated together above the clouds…

“Enough,” he finally said, his words sounding far away. She didn’t want him to stop—not ever—but she had apparently lost the ability even to open her eyes. The flogging had stopped, the leather replaced by his large hand, which cupped her throbbing cunt, sending a shudder of longing through her frame.

But the touch was brief. Abbie opened her eyes as he pulled his hand away. He crouched in front of her and again released her ankle cuffs first, and then her wrists. He caught her arms as they fell, lowering them to her sides.

When he let her go, she sank to her knees, bending forward to kiss the top of his boot with gratitude.

“You handled the flogging well, Abbie,” he said, pulling her gently to her feet. “You please me.”

“Thank you, Sir,” Abbie beamed, delighted with his praise.

“Take down your hair,” he said. “I like it when you wear it down.”

Flushing with pleasure, Abbie released the clip and let her long, heavy hair fall free. Was this the moment when he’d take her face into his hands and gently kiss her lips? She held her breath with anticipation.

But instead of dipping his mouth to hers, he simply reached for the hair clip and took it from her, returning it to the bureau. Coming back to her, he led her by the hand to the bed.

For a crazy moment, she thought he was going to pull her down into an embrace. But instead, he sat again on the mattress, this time patting his lap. “Now it’s time for that spanking you asked for. Or should I say,” he added with a twinkle in his eye, “demanded.”

This reminded her—she was still in control of the parameters of the scene. Maybe she couldn’t make him kiss her, but she could make him strip. Girding her courage, she said, “I’d like you to remove your pants for the spanking, Sir. I want to feel skin on skin.”

I want to feel your hard cock beneath me as you spank my ass. Then I want you to make love to me all night long.

Not that that would ever happen. Master Ryan kept himself to himself, as far as she knew. But hey—there was a first time for everything…

“You would, would you?” he asked, the teasing tone he’d used on stage now returning to his voice.

“Yes, Sir. I would,” she retorted, meeting his gaze.

Grinning, he bent down and pulled off his boots and socks and set them aside. Getting to his feet, he reached for his fly, his eyes fixed on her face. Still smiling, he dragged down the zipper with tantalizing slowness.

Unable to help herself, Abbie stared at his body as he drew the leather pants down his muscular legs and kicked them away. His cock, fully erect, sprang free. It was long and thick, his dark blond pubic hair neatly trimmed. Her mouth watered with the nearly uncontrollable desire to drop to her knees and take him lovingly down her throat. But, though she ostensibly controlled the scene, she didn’t quite have the nerve for such a bold move.

He sat on the bed and patted his thighs. “Come get what you asked for,” he commanded in a low, sexy voice.

Trembling with desire, Abbie lowered herself to his lap, her heart slamming in her chest.

He gripped her wrists easily in one hand and pulled her arms out straight in front of her, while simultaneously catching her legs between his own, rendering her immobile and at his mercy. She adored the feeling of being held down. His erection was hard beneath her body, his skin warm and inviting.

His hand came down with a hard smack that resounded in the air and yanked a cry from Abbie’s lips. Her ass was still tender from the flogging. His palm was as unyielding and unforgiving as a wooden paddle as it crashed over her ass cheeks in a syncopated rhythm.