Michaels knew his face and neck were beet red; he was thoroughly mortified. His face felt like it was going to combust into flames. “You little shit.” Michaels laughed, embarrassed. He guessed they weren’t as discreet as they thought.

“Oh, come on, don’t be greedy.” Day laughed. “Fuck breaks all around!” Day yelled. All the guys raised their beers in the air, cheering their agreement.

“Curtis put your damn soda down,” Ruxs barked.

Everyone laughed loud as Curtis rolled his eyes and lowered his can. Genesis pulled Curtis close and kissed his temple. That poor guy would always be treated like the young boy they all fell in love with years ago. He’d never be considered an adult by them. Couldn’t be easy having twenty over-protective dads, but Genesis seemed to take it all in stride.

The pizzas arrived and they settled in the large living room and turned on whatever sports game was on. There was nothing like being in love. There was nothing like having brothers. Michaels and Judge had it all. Finally. They’d searched long and hard for it, and they intended to enjoy every second of their lives together. Judge knew his father was resting peacefully now.

They were all full on greasy triple meat pizza and hot wings, arguing over what the sports announcers were analyzing on the post-game show. It was great to rest against Judge’s shoulder like the other couples were doing with their significant others. Finally Michaels wasn’t off somewhere hiding, trying not to be the third wheel, or uneven wheel. Whatever. It was getting late and the guys started to pick up their empty soda and beer cans, preparing to leave.

As they all helped clean up, Day cleared his throat calling for everyone’s attention. The guys started to mumble and groan, waiting on Day to say something ridiculous as usual. His smirk was angled to the side, his eyes glistening with humor. God turned and threw his big arm over Day’s shoulder. “What is it, Leo. Who do you want to call out and embarrass now?”

Day had embarrassing ammo in the form of secrets, on all the guys that he pulled out anytime he was ready. They all waited while Day turned slowly and faced God. They watched God drop his arm and look at Day, neither of them speaking out loud and like always, the team wondered what they were saying.

“Come on, Day. What’s up? Is it about work?” Syn asked.

“Nope.” Day shook his head slowly, eyes still on God.

God frowned, looking confused.

“You want to get together tomorrow?” Curtis asked.

“Nope.” Day put one hand deep in his jacket pocket.

“It’s just really nice to be around my brothers, my family,” Day said, seriously.

The team looked on, nodding their heads in agreement, still waiting to see where their Lieutenant was going with this.

“Yeah, it is,” Green added. “You wanted to let us know how awesome we all are and give us all raises?”

The guys cheered, liking Green’s idea.

But Day looked down at the hardwood floor, slowly shaking his head no again. His expression was turning more and more serious, and the room was getting eerily quiet while they waited in suspense.

“Sweetheart, spit it out,” God said, in his rough timbre, casually caressing the back of Day’s neck.

Day turned to face God, looking up into his eyes. He opened his mouth to speak and had to clear his throat before anything came out. The Lieutenant was being uncharacteristically reserved. Day took God’s hand that was resting heavily on his neck and held it in his own. Steeling himself, Day’s voice was calm and confident, but low when he finally spoke. Pulling a black velvet box out of his pocket, he gently stroked the soft fabric, opening the box.

“Cashel… will you marry me?”

The End