Michaels looked down at Bookem’s sad, begging eyes and tossed him a piece of bacon from a pile that was cooling on the side counter. “Last piece, ya moocher.” Bookem swallowed it down, not even chewing and angled his head up for more.

Judge wrapped his arms around Michaels from behind, burying his nose in his hair. “Morning,” he grumbled.

“Hey.” Michaels smiled. He grabbed a piece of sausage and popped it into Judge’s mouth over his shoulder.

“Mmm. That’s really good. Tastes different,” Judge said, chewing loudly.

“It’s seasoned with sage.” Michaels ate a piece himself, continuing to push around the searing meat.

Judge looked around. “Babe. Why so much?”

“The guys are coming over to help me install the new stove.”

Judge kissed on Michaels’ neck. He always had the hardest time keeping his hands off him. “I thought we were continuing the deck. The paint and everything arrived yesterday.”

“Syn, God, Ruxs and Johnson are gonna help you paint the deck and Furi, Green and Day are going to help me with the stove.” Michaels reasoned, “I can’t keep cooking on this ancient thing. You promised I could do whatever I wanted with the kitchen, so leave me alone.”

Judge looked around at the large space. He had said that the kitchen was Michaels’ to do whatever he wanted. He didn’t think he’d want to work more on it today, though. But he rarely denied his lover anything. “You could’ve at least told me we’d be having company today.”

“I did… just now.”

Judge growled in Michaels’ ear, reaching around for his cock when their front door burst open and loud rowdy voices filled the house. So much for a quickie.

“It’ll be great. Imagine how much we’ll get done in a fraction of the time with all of them helping.”

Judge knew he was right. With all the guys’ help, they’d be done by early afternoon. They were a wild bunch but they damn sure worked hard. When they came to install the wall unit in the main living room, it’d been done in two-and-a-half hours. Plenty of time to have drinks and shoot pool after.

“This place hasn’t been condemned yet!”

Judge rolled his eyes and Michaels laughed, looking at him apologetically. His man knew how much Day irked his nerves. “He only goads you because you fall for it every time.” Michaels turned the stove off and eased out of Judge’s embrace. He set all the food on the brand new dining table just as the guys made it through to the kitchen, all of them dressed like they were ready to work.

“Hey guys.” Michaels beamed. He gave them fist bumps, all except Furi who came in for an affectionate hug.

“Austin you look great, friend. Love looks good on you.” Furi smiled genuinely. Judge had liked Furi from the beginning. He was absolutely the sweetest man you’d ever meet. The sexy, tattooed, biker-look could throw a person off at first. But as soon as the man opened his mouth to speak, it was easy to like him. It was no wonder Syn’s entire demeanor changed when his partner was around.

The guys clapped Judge on his back, all of them having come around and accepted him after seeing how happy he made Michaels. Day would always be a twerp, but even he had to respect Judge and Michaels’ relationship. God’s hard hand came down on Judge’s shoulder. “I brought you a surprise.”

“I hate surprises,” Judge grumbled around a mouthful of sausage.

“I know. But you’ll like this one.” God smirked. As soon as he said that, two guys walked in carrying a huge cooler, each holding one side. The bigger one had no trouble at all, but the smaller one looked like he was about to pass out.

“My son is going to herniate a disc in his back,” Ruxs said, taking the other side of the cooler from an exhausted Curtis.

“Thanks, Dad,” Curtis said, shaking out his hand. “How much beer is in there anyway… three cases?”

Genesis set the cooler down by the back door and wrapped Curtis in his arms. “You’re stronger than you think, baby.”

“Oh, whatever,” God said, annoyed, and pulled Genesis by his collar. “Hey, Genny, you remember my friend Judge, right? The bounty hunter.”

“Yeah, of course.” Genesis stuck his hand out and Judge held the firm grip, shaking the young man’s hand. The boy sure had grown up into a handsome man. He looked and sounded so much like his older brother it was a shame. That rolling southern drawl and deep green eyes paired with a build that made him unstoppable on the football field.

“Gen, it’s good to see you again, man. Or do you prefer to be called G-man?” Judge laughed.

“No, Sir.” Gen laughed. “I don’t even like that name.”

Genesis Godfrey was the star wide receiver for the Georgia Bulldogs. A national sensation who led his team to another division championship last season. Honor roll student and all-around positive role model for young members of the LGBTQ community. He’d come out his freshman year in college and had handled all the publicity with class and intelligence. Now he was graduating with honors and an engineering degree. But he’d tell anyone that asked, the press, ESPN, any reporter… that his biggest and greatest accomplishment was his boyfriend.