Michaels nuzzled against that delicious beard, his own smile wide as he greeted Judge back. “Morning, babe.”

“Last night was—”


“Was everything,” Judge finished.


Michaels kissed Judge again. “Sweet mouth,” he murmured, stealing the sugar cane out of Judge’s mouth. He slapped him on the ass to get him moving into the bathroom. “I’m gonna lose the parents then I’m gonna fuck that hot ass again in every room before we leave.”

“Yeah, yeah. Promises, promises.” Judge teased, closing the door behind him.

Chapter Forty-Three

Judge leaned back in the passenger seat of Michaels’ truck, content as could be. They’d stayed at the cabin an entire week, after Judge fully convinced Michaels’ Lieutenants that they needed the time together.

They learned more of each other, physically, but especially emotionally. They were compatible on so many levels. Both men as simple as the days. Relationships were scary and took work, but Judge believed theirs would come easily. Why he’d had such negative thoughts in the beginning was a mystery to him. He knew Michaels loved him, really loved him. Nothing was guaranteed, life didn’t promise tomorrow. Michaels was a cop, he had a dangerous job, so Judge would have to learn to trust in his partner’s instincts and believe in him. Believe he knew what he was doing and he’d come home to him every night.

They fished and hiked. Took Bookem for long walks, held hands like they were in a Hallmark movie. Michaels cooked for him, even tried to show him a few things, which Judge proceeded to ruin immediately. When Michaels realized Judge made a horrible sous-chef, he was quickly relieved of his duties. There were long nights of watching television together, sometimes just lying close to each other while Michaels read and Judge played games on his tablet. Michaels wasn’t a needy partner… well… only in bed, but that was okay. It was the most fun Judge had in years. For the first time in his adult life, he let Michaels convince him to take a selfie of them while they ate dinner on the grass next to the boat dock. The sun was setting and the sky was a beautiful array of colors that even he had to admit, made a beautiful backdrop.

“You want her to see how happy you are. I know it’ll make her smile to see that you’re okay,” Michaels reasoned.

“Okay, okay. Just do it.” Judge groaned. But on the inside, he was a kid bouncing up and down.

Michaels held Judge’s phone out, squeezed in close to him, and snapped a shot. The next one was of him stealing a kiss on Judge’s cheek while he slept on the large blanket. They sent both of them to Linda. Her reply was well worth it.

“Sweetheart. Congratulations!!!! You’ve made my day! I know you two are going to be so happy together. Bless you Austin for saving my son.


Ps… I’m expecting both of you for Thanksgiving?”

They rode in comfortable silence and Judge thought about how well he’d gotten along with Michaels’ parents. He and his mom made a delicious dinner while Judge and his father watched the game together. He asked a few questions, mainly about Judge’s enlistment and about his job. Thank goodness he didn’t do the whole, “what are your intentions with my son?” bullshit. Judge was simply himself and it appeared to be enough for them.

“Your folks seem nice,” Judge said, breaking the silence on their ride back to Atlanta. His truck still needed to be fixed, so he dropped it at a shop and Michaels agreed to let Judge use his Jeep while he was at work.

“They’re alright. I’m crazy about my mom.” Michaels smiled.

“I can tell. She fawns over you like a lioness.” Judge mocked him.

“She doesn’t.”

“Oh, yes she does. Any time your father got on you about anything, she pounced.”

Michaels hid his smile by turning his head slightly, acting like he was just focused on the road.

“My dad can be overbearing. She’s always acted as a buffer between me and him.”

“He knows how talented you are. He’s proud, too. I can see it in his eyes.”

“I’m glad someone can see it, because I sure can’t most of the time. It really gets to me sometimes when he starts coming down on me. I think I’ve done alright for myself. Now that I’ve snagged myself a sugar daddy, he should get of my case.” Michaels winked at Judge and got flicked off in return.

Judge reached over and massaged Michaels’ neck. “That’s what fathers do, Austin. Be glad yours is still here to push and encourage you. Don’t take your time together for granted.”

Michaels turned to him with sad eyes. He nodded his head slightly in understanding and left it at that. When they pulled into the precinct Michaels hefted his bag out the back, patted Bookem and closed the door. He met Judge at the rear. “You not coming in?”