They kissed again, fuller, longer. Michaels held on to him, rubbed every part of him within reach. His breathing was heavy as they broke apart to breathe. He rested his forehead against Judge’s, tangling his fingers in his beard. His eyes stung but he refused to cry. His heart wept with joy on the inside and his throat dislodged the lump that had been there for days, just long enough for him to whisper back, “I love you too, Judge. I do.”

Judge sighed and slumped like someone had lifted the weight of the world off him. “Thank you.” He kissed Michaels’ face, his neck, his forehead, and his tired eyes. “I’ll never run from you again.”

Michaels tilted his head to the side while Judge licked at his throat, nipped at the coarse hairs on his cheeks. Judge’s beard tickled the sensitive skin above his rapidly beating pulse. “You better not.”

Judge chuckled lightly and pulled Michaels’ hair until he was looking up at him.

Chapter Forty-One

Judge’s heart had been racing during his confession. No one knew that story but his late father and Linda. Now Michaels knew it too. He trusted him, trusted this man with his heart. He looked at Michaels’ face. Even with the scar, the scratches, the bruising, he was still the most attractive man he’d ever seen. Seeing the proof that he’d been hurt by that asshole only made Judge feel even more guilty. Michaels had forgiven him, so he had to forgive himself or it would only cause damage later.

He smoothed his hand over Michaels’ wet hair. That look was there again, the look of want and adoration in Michaels’ sparkling eyes. Judge had thought Michaels would never look at him like that again. “When you look at me like that it almost makes me want to double check that you’re actually looking at me.”

“Of course I’m looking at you.” Michaels draped both arms over Judge’s shoulders.

Judge gave Michaels a chaste kiss. Another one that started out innocently enough but morphed into something carnal and full of desire. “I need you right now,” Judge hissed, feeling his erection pushing against his dark jeans.

Michaels smiled against the side of his face, nuzzling him affectionately. “I want you too, but I want something else first,” he purred.

Judge growled. “Mmm. What do you want first? My mouth all over you? Hmm? My tongue deep inside you?”

Michaels nibbled at Judge’s jaw, making his cock throb heavily against the hard thigh pushing back into him. “Actually, I want to eat that trout it took me all day to catch.”

Judge squeezed Michaels to him and laughed. “Is there enough for me?”

“I might be tempted to share my dinner with you.”

Judge’s smile fell slowly. “Are you willing to share anything else with me?” he said, carefully. Looking into Michaels’ eyes, searching for more honesty.

“Yes. Plenty more. So much more.”

Judge had washed up while Michaels finished making dinner. The whole time he’d showered there was a wide smile on his face. It was such a unique feeling. But all was right in the world now… at least for him. He hadn’t known what to expect when he’d gotten to the cabin today and saw Michaels out there on that lake, looking exactly how Judge felt. He’d thought Michaels was going to make him get on his knees and beg until dawn, kiss his pinky ring and swear his allegiance; do something outrageous to prove his loyalty. But, no. Michaels was a class act, not a drama queen. He’d listened to what Judge had to say and accepted it for the truth it was. If he wasn’t going to take him back, then Michaels would’ve sent him packing fast, he wouldn’t have been vengeful. That’s just another reason Judge loved him. He was so glad he’d listened to Duke. Listened to his father. They’d both said the same thing. “You won’t know if he never wants to see you again, unless you ask. Apologize for your wrong… and simply ask.”

Damn if they hadn’t both been right.

Now he’d honor his father’s last wish. To not live a lonely, loveless existence and die miserable and alone. It looked like Michaels wanted the same thing. Someone to listen to his rants when he’d had a hard day at work, someone to hold while he watched a movie, someone to eat dinner with instead of an overcooked microwave meal alone in front of the TV.

Judge put on a loose pair of sweats and a black tank top. Michaels was just setting both their plates down when Judge came back into the large eat-in kitchen. The food looked like something served in a five-star restaurant. The fish was broiled to perfection, the green beans had the right blend of butter and garlic and some type of salad with a wonderfully tart dressing. “What kind of dressing is this on the salad?” Judge shoved in another fork full.