Only then did he notice that Judge was asleep, sitting up on the couch. He was slouched down until his head was all the way back against the headrest. He was shirtless, and beautiful. Judge had obviously showered too, because he was barefoot and wore a pair of cutoff sweatpants. He looked so peaceful there in the dark with just the flickering light of the television shining periodically across his ruggedly handsome face.

Michaels went over to his bag on the floor next to an end table and retrieved a few necessities. Judge hadn’t moved. Michaels stood there in front of him, naked as the day he was born. As if Judge could feel his presence, his eyes slowly crept open and a timid smile curved his lips. “Sleep well?” he said, groggily.

“Mmm hmm. I’m all rested now.” Michaels didn’t wait, he straddled Judge’s lap and settled his weight down on him. Judge’s hands found his waist and his grip locked on. He leaned in and hugged him, rubbing his thick hands up and down Michaels’ back, massaging as he did so. “Feels good,” Michaels murmured against Judge’s neck. Oh hell, he smelled divine. Not like the fruity hotel soap Michaels had used, this was Judge’s own shit. Perfectly suited to mix just right with his natural scent, enhancing it.

Judge pulled Michaels’ head from his neck, looking at him with those coal-colored eyes. “How are you feeling?”

“Horny.” Michaels smiled, leaning in for Judge’s mouth. Judge laughed against his lips and Michaels wished it could always be like that. They were having such a good time, getting to know each other while secluded away from the whole world, life’s problems on hold for a while. It was easy to play pretend when no one was around to criticize or pass judgment.

“I can see that.” Judge looked down between them, and Michaels cock grew harder at the appraisal.

“Touch me,” Michaels moaned.

Judge wrapped his meaty fist around Michaels’ girth and stroked him slowly. Only enough to stoke the fire building deep inside him and spreading fast. Michaels ground his ass against Judge’s cock, feeling it plump and stab at him there. Judge’s breaths were coming faster; he began raising his pelvis to meet some of Michaels’ thrusts. His head hung low, watching their connection, the top of his head pressing against Michaels’ chest; he dug his hands into Judge’s thick hair, kissing the top of his head.

“Damn, you feel so fuckin’ good,” Judge whispered.

“I need you inside me, Judge.”

Michaels was gripped around his back and hefted up into Judge’s arms, his legs hooked behind that muscular back.

“Grab the shit,” he told Judge.

Judge bent and grabbed the lube and condoms. Michaels held him tight as he walked them back to the bedroom and closed the door.

“Are you sure Switch is good?”

“He ain’t going nowhere. This isn’t Book’s first watch. He’ll let us know immediately if Switch tries to make a move,” Judge said, climbing up on the bed and laying down on top of him. All his weight was overwhelming and smothering, he was trying to not crush him, but Judge was giving Michaels all he had. Take all of me or nothing at all. He wrapped his legs tighter around Judge, letting him know he could take every pound and more if he had it, that he’d love every ounce of it.

As if having the same thoughts at the exact same time, they both went for each other’s mouths. Quickly getting reacquainted. For someone who supposedly didn’t kiss, Judge was wonderful at it. Michaels splayed his hands out to the sides and let Judge kiss his way down his flat stomach. His skin burning, ablaze with each flick of Judge’s tongue.

Judge wasn’t about teasing, and Michaels thanked the heavens for that. His mouth was on Michaels’ cock, taking him down to the root before he could prepare himself for the vast sensations. “Fuckin’ hell.” Michaels grunted, his head slamming back into the pillow. He ignored the stinging from the cuts on his face and concentrated on something that felt so much better.

Judge hollowed his cheeks and pulled hard when he eased back up Michaels’ length. He went down again, gagging on the head touching the back of his throat. Michaels thought his brain would melt. Judge looked absolutely sinful down there between his legs, working so hard to take him in all the way. “Is it too much, babe?”

Judge released the head of Michaels’ cock with a loud pop. “Hell no. It’s just right.” Judge did it again. Choking and gasping around Michaels’ dick, his saliva running down into his pubes as he fought to take all of him.

“Yes, show me, Judge. Take it all.” Judge had almost all of him in his mouth and Michaels thrust up, feeding Judge the last couple inches. He reached down and ran his fingertips around the base of his dick, feeling Judge’s mouth stretched so wide around him. “Holy shit.”