“Most likely, they have a distress signal. I don’t want to spook her.” Judge stroked his beard while he thought. “Typically, I’d take out the abettor.”

“I got an idea,” Michaels said, looking back at Bookem.

Michaels had removed his vest and guns, opting for his plain t-shirt under an open button-down collared shirt. He walked around the hotel and came up on the other side of the girlfriend’s car. He gave her a friendly smile and wave as he casually walked by, just a guy taking a stroll with his dog. As they’d hoped, the girlfriend got out the car and followed him to a lit area by the office where Michaels squatted and rumpled Bookem’s scruff.

“What a gorgeous animal.” The woman approached, her eyes lighting up the closer she got to him.

“Thank you.” Michaels smiled. “You can pet him if you like.”

“Can I really? He’s absolutely beautiful.” She beamed. “I love animals. I’m studying to be a vet, with a specialty in large breed canines.”

“Awesome.” Michaels turned on his best boy-next-door-smile. He discreetly looked at Judge and saw him getting in position. “Where do you go to school?”

She was rubbing her hands down Bookem’s body as if feeling his bone structure. “Actually, I’m transferring schools now. Me and my fiancé are moving.”

Michaels nodded his head in understanding but didn’t press for more answers; it was irrelevant anyway. Her plans were about to come to a screeching halt. He just needed her to stay focused on him. While the girlfriend fawned over Bookem, Michaels saw a man with a large duffle strapped to his back slip out of a dark room and jog towards the red car in the parking lot. He stooped and looked inside the empty vehicle before straightening and looking around. Michaels ducked his head and squatted like her.

“What’s his name?” She laughed when Bookem started licking her hand.

“His name is Books.”

She looked up at him with amusement. “You must love to read.”

“I do.” Michaels winked.

“Hi Books, hi baby. You are a strong fella aren’t you? So sweet. Look at you.” She was completely enamored and Michaels hoped he wouldn’t have to arrest her. Time would tell. She turned intelligent brown eyes up at him. “Danes are so big, but one of the gentlest breeds there is.”


She stood and turned when her name was yelled. Michaels stayed squatting down, reaching behind him to pull out his weapon.

“Baby, I’m over here,” she called out.

Michaels kept his head down, peeking through his lowered lashes, watching Switch make his way over to them. His head was nervously darting back and forth. He was definitely nervous. When he got to them he kissed her quickly on her mouth. “You were supposed to wait in the car.”

“Sorry. You were taking your time and I wanted to see the dog.”

“Of course you did. You and dogs. I told you to stay in the car, that I wanted to leave—”

Michaels stood and brought his gun out of hiding, cutting Switch off midsentence. “Don’t do anything stupid Switch, and don’t piss me off more than I already am,” Michaels said calmly. He could see Judge closing in behind them, and even though Switch looked like he wanted to make a run for it, Judge’s massive frame was right there to remove that option entirely.

“Oh, my god.” The girl clutched at her chest, backing up from a now snarling Bookem.

“Ma’am. Don’t move!” Michaels barked.

“Please don’t shoot.” She began crying. “We have no money.”

Michaels was ignoring her, his eyes trained hard on Switch; who was now staring him down like he wanted to strangle him. “He doesn’t want money, Clarissa.”

The girlfriend looked back and forth between them. “You know him?”

Switch was eerily calm. “Yes. Detective Michaels and I go way back.”

“Now that we’re all reacquainted, very slowly take off the bag, get down on your knees, and link your fingers behind your head. You’re under arrest.”

“Man, fuck!” Switch yelled. “Come on Michaels. I can’t go to prison.”

Judge pulled out a pair of handcuffs, waiting for Switch to comply.

“You made a deal with the DA, I’m here to make sure you honor that deal,” Michaels said. “Now get down!”

The girlfriend was inching back. “Clarissa. I don’t want to hurt you, so stop moving, please.”

“But I don’t understand.” Her hands shook against her chest. “What deal? What is going on?”

It seemed the girlfriend had no clue who her fiancé really was, which if true, would work out great for her. She wouldn’t be charged with aiding and abetting. She could go on and become a vet and hopefully learn from this experience. Next time she’d choose her boyfriend more carefully.

Sirens were heard in the background. Right on time. Switch was slowly removing his bag. “I can make you very rich,” Switch said. “Both of you. I have over a half a million dollars. I’ll split that three ways, right now. Just let me go. I’ll never show my face in this country again.”