“I’m so fucked,” Judge groaned, letting the hot water beat on his deliciously tender ass. His cock was already plumping again as he remembered the way Michaels had taken him. The way he talked dirty to him, with a sexy confidence Judge hadn’t gotten from his other quick fucks. Michaels honed in on exactly where and how to fill him up. Tapped into Judge’s needs, fulfilling every one of them and some he didn’t know were there.

This was the man of Judge’s dreams, but he was fighting it all the way. He wouldn’t put himself back out there. Partners left you or they died on you; one or the other; but either way, you were left behind, devastated. Judge was too old to do devastated.

Judge heard the door burst open as soon as he turned off the shower. “Judge she’s moving! This is it!”

Judge hurried out the bathroom, not bothering to towel off. Yanking his bag from under the bed, he threw on the first thing his hands came into contact with, keeping one eye on the laptop monitor as the little red dot moved back towards downtown Miami.

“You think he’s here?” Michaels said, putting on his boots, but leaving them untied. They were both scurrying to get out the door.

“Oh, he’s definitely here. Wherever he was hiding, he’s come out. He most likely got wind of either Riggs and his thugs or us on his ass so he’s making his move.” Judge put on his weapons, was reaching back in his bag for his knife when he saw his bulletproof vest down in the bottom. He hadn’t worn it in forever, but he pulled it out now and thrust it towards Michaels. “Here.”

Michaels looked up from fastening on his own holster. “I don’t need that.”

“You have your own?”

“No. I just don’t need it.”

Judge walked over to Michaels. When those sexy blue eyes looked up at him, Judge knew; knew the man in front of him had gotten to him, gotten farther past his barriers than any other had in a long time. Had burst through one of Judge’s walls. He cupped Michaels’ jaw and lowered his forehead to rest against Michaels’ smooth one. “Just.” Judge squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head, not liking the constriction in his chest when he thought of Michaels getting hurt, especially in front of him. “Just, humor me. Okay. Put it on. You’re a cop; you’re used to wearing them.”

Michaels looked like he wanted to argue some more, but they really didn’t have the time. Their target had only ten minutes left to drive until she reached downtown. If they hurried they could catch her. Michaels’ hand was on his waist when he nodded his head yes. Judge’s hand snaked around to the back of Michaels head, holding him tight for a second longer, before he finally let go. He’d wanted to kiss Michaels. Kiss him on his lips like he thought Michaels was going to do earlier, but didn’t. Kiss him and show him that he meant something to Judge. What exactly, he had no clue. But something.

Chapter Thirty-One

They were flying down the I95 at almost ninety miles per hour. Michaels’ heartbeat was a hard rhythmic thud in his chest for a number of reasons. He was hoping this was what they’d been waiting for so he could be done with this assignment and move forward. Forward with Judge. He was also concerned that Judge still wasn’t confident in his law enforcement skills. Proof was him wearing a bulletproof vest… only him. Also, Michaels had given everything he’d had to Judge in that hotel room less than an hour before. Sexed him harder and better than any other man he’d been with. He sincerely hoped Judge could feel it… he had to have felt it.

Michaels held his cell in his hands, watching the girlfriend on the monitor. “She’s got to be headed back to the motel.”

“Yep. He’s there already.”

“What makes you so sure?”

Judge turned that pitch-dark glare on him. “It’s a hunch.”

Michaels believed in Judge’s hunches and his instincts. Knew him capable of doing his job. He just hoped Judge believed in him as surely.

They turned around and circled the hotel, checking for any signs of suspicious activity before backing into one of the parking spaces at the far back edge of the lot, where there wasn’t much light. The girlfriend was still in her car; she’d killed the engine but hadn’t gotten out.

“I don’t like this,” Judge murmured, “Something’s off.”

“I know,” Michaels agreed. As soon as he said it, Bookem let out a low growl. He sensed something, and he and Judge both scanned the parking lot. “I don’t want him to come out and jump in the car with her.”

“True. I don’t want to chase her.”

“We need her out of the car. So when he comes out of the room he has to pause and look for her.” Michaels scratched at the itchy stubble on his face. “I’ll show her my badge and hold her in the office or something.”