That got Judge a big round of laughs, but he was actually being serious. It was amazing how many women harbored fugitives if the man was fucking them good. “Alright, God. That’s my plan, like it or not.”

“It’s fine. I’m not trying to tell you how to do your job. I wouldn’t have called you if I had to micromanage. I got other shit to do,” God said. “I got a friend in the Miami PD., I think I’ll get a tail on the girlfriend, see if she has company or is making preparations for it.”

Judge had to admit, God’s team was making his job way easier with all these additional resources and guys that could put data in his hands in an instant. His IT guys were sheer brilliance and his men were competent. Working together like a well-oiled machine. Judge almost wanted to ask how the guy got away from them in the first place. But that wasn’t his job.

“Can you trust the cop in Miami to be discreet?” Syn chimed in.

“Yes,” God said, with no delay.

“Green and I can fly down there and watch her for you,” Ruxs added.

“Hell no!” Everyone said at once, including Judge.

Ruxs and Green tried to look offended. But Judge had a feeling those guys knew how much trouble they got themselves into… accidently.

Judge eyed the gorgeous detective walking back in with his dog next to him like it had a new master. Bookem sauntered up to him, nuzzling his palm. “Judas,” he whispered. Bookem was faithful to him, but if you dangled fresh air in his face, he’d walk off with the devil himself.

Judge put his long coat back on and faced his new traveling partner. “If you gotta go, go. I don’t stop very much on the road.”

Michaels hefted a dark blue ATL PD bag on his shoulder and scoffed a look of disgust at him. “I don’t need a fuckin’ potty break, let’s go.”

Judge hid his smile when he leaned down to pick up some more papers. Standing with the feisty detective in front of his Lieutenants, he boldly listened to their exchange. There would be no secrets from here on.

“Alright, guys. I’ll be back with our man.”

“I know you will,” God said, shaking Michaels’ hand.

Day’s silly ass leaned in with a solemn face and gave Michaels a warm hug, like someone would give a mourner in funeral line. Michaels shouldered him off with a light-hearted laugh.

“Make us proud, Michaels,” Day said softly, holding one hand over his heart. “It’ll be an adventure. You, Morpheus, and that noble steed.” He flicked his hand at the dog. “I’m so excited… and terrified for you… wait… scratch excited.”

Judge and Michaels both cursed in annoyance and walked out on Day’s ridiculousness. Outside he gestured at Michaels to throw his bag in the covered bed. He was secretly glad he’d straightened his truck up earlier, he wouldn’t want Michaels to think he was a slob. Why do I care? Michaels climbed up in his truck and quickly got adjusted for the long ride. Judge let Bookem do his business. After he cleaned up behind him, he let the dog in and got behind the wheel. After a couple seconds his eyelids fluttered at the scent that was wafting off Detective Michaels. Damn ‘em all to hell. He smelled like something he wanted to rut against and come hard on. Fuck. Judge rolled his window down all the way. He’d rather smell the trash on the street than get a hard-on for this good-smelling, eager-to-prove-himself, straight asshole.

He chanced a look at Michaels and was shocked to see him slouched and confident riding with him. He had a dark pair of aviator shades on, staring out the window with one hand propped on the door. It was almost as if he didn’t know he was hot. And damnit if that wasn’t sexy in itself.

Chapter Thirteen

Michaels watched as the city view from interstate seventy-five changed to nothing but trees. Because of how much paperwork they had to sort through in the office, they hadn’t got on the road until after seven. It was almost a ten-hour drive to Miami, not including stops, not including there were a few other places they’d check along the way, just in case Switch was taking his time getting there. He checked his cell phone for any updates or messages but there were none.

“There’ll be no secrets.” Judges deep voice burst through the silence like a Mack truck. Michaels startled a bit, just refraining from yelling at him not to do that again. “If you get any messages, text, emails, fuckin’ tweets, any update whatsoever, I want to know about it.”

Michaels chuckled slightly and shook his head in disbelief. “You do know we’re after the same person, don’t you? Why the fuck would I not tell you something?”