He stood in front of Judge, their chest only inches apart. He could smell Judge’s sweet breath from that fucking sugar cane stick, but he held his breath and said his piece. “I’m not here to slow you down. I just want to get this asshole back in prison where he belongs. I’m not concerned about your ethics, your routine, your schedule, your pace, or your goddamn feelings. I’ll do my job and get the fuck out of your way. You’ll never see me again… if I’m lucky.” Michaels yanked his coat of the back of the chair. “I’m gonna step outside.”

Judge was staring, his mouth tight.

Michaels turned and made a sharp whistle. The dog’s ears pointed up higher turning in his direction. Michaels voice was deep and commanding when he spoke to it. “Come. Go outside with me, big boy.” With his hand lowered, fingertips curved under, Michaels waited while the large Dane sniffed his hand, familiarizing himself with his scent. When he was satisfied that Michaels wasn’t a threat, he happily followed him outside. That oughta show him. He’d walked off with the asshole’s dog.

He strolled at a casual pace with all the confidence that he could fake. When he got outside he looked around before leaning against one of the concrete barriers to heave in a few large gulps of fresh air. Fuck. How he’d pulled off all that bravado, he had no freaking clue. But he thought he was convincing. Judge didn’t look like the type of man that accepted weakness. He squatted and the dog came over to him. His head was over his now. “Think I pulled it off, boy?” Michaels stood. He couldn’t stay down on the dog’s level too long. These types of dogs respected masters. Anyone else, they ran over.

“You are one big fella. Jesus.” Michaels rumpled the dog’s scruff after scratching him behind his tall ears. Great Danes always were one of his favorite breed of dogs. He lived in an apartment, so having a large pet was out of the question. Working the types of hours that he did eliminated him having even a small dog.

After twenty minutes or so, Day came outside to join him. “That was awesome back there dude.” He clapped Michaels on his shoulder and the dog gave a low growl. Michaels grinned.

“Look, mutant dog. I got a nine millimeter with nine rounds, think that’ll shut your big ass up,” Day said, looking the dog in the eye.

“Jesus, Day,” Michaels scoffed, patting the dog hard on his flank. “He’s all talk, boy. No bite.”

“Yeah okay, believe that if you want.” Day crossed his arms. “Come on back in. We’re ready to wrap up.”

“Okay.” Michaels walked back inside with the dog right at his side. It was nice. Now he knew why the K9 team loved it so much. Dogs were fiercely loyal; the Dane was like a partner.

Judge was tucking a few papers that he felt were the most useful into a pocket folder. They’d head back south. He had a feeling the guy—Switch—might hole up with a girlfriend he’d been off and on with in Miami and lay low until he could get out of the country. It would take time to unload those drugs; it was pretty safe to say he wouldn’t try to transport them out of the country. It’d been two days since the bust. Surely he had those drugs on a truck by now. Putting up roadblocks out of state would trigger the feds getting involved. He understood why they were reluctant to go there just yet.

It was a gut feeling that this guy wouldn’t use any of the contacts he’d had when he was with The Kid, especially since he’d turned state’s evidence. He’d have to go with his own personal ones. He had parents in Mississippi but they were churchgoers, so a no-go there, he had a brother in upstate New York, but he was into the petty drug life, and had been in and out of jail for the last ten years, no way he’d trust him with a large quantity of drugs. The sister in Atlanta wasn’t likely since she had a career and small kids. A cousin in Florida that only had a juvie record… could be worth looking into, then that left acquaintances. Best bet would be the girlfriend.

“Why not the brother, he may have some connections Switch can use since he’s already in the game,” Syn said.

Judge liked that guy. It was something about his drive and determination. He was in non-stop mode the entire six hours they were around that table. He listened intently before making a comment. His suggestions made sense and were worth debating. He didn’t cower to Judge’s decisions, he respected them… there was a difference.

“Women aren’t as greedy as men,” Judge said. “If he hooks up with the brother, he’ll know he’s on the run, he’ll want to be cut a good deal for his help. A woman dating a thug usually just wants food, compliments, and good dick.”