“You gonna hang out a bit, or you getting back on the road?” Duke sat down in his recliner and turned his news channel back up.

“I was hoping to use your facilities before I headed back home.” Judge was already digging around in his bag for his toiletries kit.

“You know I don’t mind.” Duke turned to look back at him.

Judge held his gaze for a moment, getting up and going to the bathroom. The high-pressure showerhead felt amazing. If Judge had to stay in a hotel, the water pressure usually sucked because he just didn’t agree with paying three hundred dollars on some fancy room for one damn night. Truck stops were the worst, but they did the trick in a pinch. He groomed a little of his beard, clipping the stray strands on the bottom and edging the sides. He’d wiped off his leathers and hung them over the shower stall to dry, opting for a pair of sweat pants and a tank top. When he came out, Duke had a plate of food waiting for him on the table.

“It’s just leftovers, figured you hadn’t eaten in god knows how long.”

“Well, damn. I didn’t know you cared,” Judge drawled, quickly grabbing a beer from the fridge and digging into the plate of spaghetti. It tasted delicious and he was glad to get the hot meal. When he was finished he watched Duke as he focused on his news program. Duke was a handsome man. Broad and manly, like Judge liked them. He was stable and honest, one of the few men Judge trusted. He turned, feeling Judge’s intense gaze on him. Without a word, Duke reached for his remote and turned off his television.

When he stood, Judge’s eyes immediately went to the bulge protruding from his jeans. Duke took the hem of his shirt in both hands and pulled it over his head, dropping it at his feet. His chest was toned and covered with dark curly hair. His taut brown nipples made Judge’s mouth water. Trailing back up, Duke’s dark eyes were hooded with his desire as he came and stood in front of him. He kicked Judge’s bare feet wider and dropped down to his knees in front of him.

“You gotta leave soon?” Duke murmured, leaning in closer.

“No.” Judge’s voice had gone darker.


That was all Duke said when he leaned in, going for Judge’s neck. He’d grown used to Judge not kissing. He never kissed anyone. It was too personal, too intimate, and he didn’t do either. He leaned his head back, moaning at Duke’s rough treatment of his throat. His day-old stubble scratched him deliciously, and it had him digging his hands into Duke’s black and gray streaked hair to hold him there longer. Duke moaned close to his ear, licking out his tongue and flicking his earlobe. “Want you in my bed, Judge.”

Judge shoved Duke back and stood up, putting his cock against his chin. “This what you want?” Judge’s voice was deep and husky. He did need to get off and Duke was always so willing. They had a comfortable arrangement.

“Yes,” Duke moaned, pulling down the front of Judge’s sweats and rubbing his scratchy cheek all over his hard dick.

Judge hissed, accepting the pleasure and pain. When Duke opened to take the head in his mouth, Judge grabbed him by his arms and yanked him up to his chest. Duke was a head shorter than him and the way he gazed up at Judge made him question if bedding Duke again was a good idea. The guy was kind and considerate, always wanting to please him, but that just wasn’t Judge’s thing. He didn’t need an overly pleasing lover.

“Whatever you want. I’ll do it,” Duke groaned, pulling Judge closer to him.

“I know you will.” Judge caressed the side of Duke’s cheek and leaned down to kiss him on his temple. Duke ate up the contact, nuzzling and kissing Judge’s Adam’s apple.

Judge turned them towards the king-size bed that sat catty-corner in the large room. He pushed Duke down on the bed and stood in front of him. Duke knew what he wanted first. There was nothing like a warm, inviting mouth to set Judge ablaze. And damn, Duke knew all his hot spots. Knew exactly how Judge liked it.

Lifting his heavy cock to Duke’s mouth, he teased him with his precome, giving him just a taste, making him anxious for it before he slid the head past Duke’s firm lips. “Ahhh. Yes.” Judge didn’t pump his hips. He didn’t want it to be over too fast. Needed to savor this.

“Does that feel good, baby?” Duke said, seductively, licking around Judge’s balls.

He didn’t answer, just groaned his appreciation. It did feel wonderful, but he hated be called baby or daddy. It was just weird to him. He inhaled sharply when Duke opened wide and fit his entire sack inside his mouth. “Fuck,” he hissed, his hips rocking on their own.