“You guys want to let us know what’s going on now?” Ronowski asked, pushing his chair out from his desk to stand with his large forearms crossed over his simple white t-shirt. All clean-cut and showered, now their first officer looked like a preacher’s son, with his boy-next-door looks, perfectly cut blond hair, and shining blue eyes. Those sexy, pink porn star lips could curve into a sensual grin that was the death of his boyfriend, Detective Johnson. Though Ronowski looked like a prep school alum, he was deadly when provoked. Michaels took his eyes off Ro and focused on what Syn was saying.

“God wants to use one of his favors and bring in someone from the outside to get back our traitorous informant.” Syn dropped down in his seat like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders.

A few of the guys looked around at each other and Green asked, “Outside like who? Feds?”

“No,” Day mumbled.

God looked up at them, his green eyes glowing with ferocity. His voice was raspy and held a hint of scary when he spoke. “A bounty hunter. The best tracker I’ve ever encountered.”

Syn shrugged, walking over to the IT guys. “Give me everything you’ve got on our lost informant. I want to know every damn thing. Jobs, schools, residences. I need the name and information on every relative, every girlfriend, lover, all acquaintances, and business contacts, deceased and living. Nothing is too small or insignificant. I even want to know what this guy’s dog name was when he was in the second grade. Got it?”

The two geniuses nodded, turned around to face their six monitors, and got to work. All of the screens flashing files and pictures across them faster than Michaels could keep up. It was only a few seconds before the printer starting spitting out pages of intel.

“I can forward the information to Judge.” God sat down, rearing backwards. “He’ll find him. I guarantee you.”

“We need this done right, God. What if Judge does something crazy… like he usually does, and our informant walks? I need a clean arrest or we’re still fucked,” Day urged.

“Then let me go with him,” Michaels blurted out, before he could think better of it.

Everyone turned and looked in Michaels’ direction. He straightened and squared his shoulders, stepping in front of his Lieutenants. “I’m the one that lost this guy, let me get him back.”

God stared him down for a few moments before barking a stern, “No.” God turned and picked up his water bottle as if that was the end of the conversation, but Michaels wasn’t giving up. He wanted to redeem himself, needed to redeem himself. Michaels looked at Day to see if he was in agreement with his partner and it looked like he was. The solemn faces were driving him crazy.

“If I’m with him, then I’ll make sure the arrest is clean. Basically you just need this bounty hunter to find him. Well when he does, I’ll be there to arrest him properly,” Michaels argued. He looked at Syn, trying to win him over to his side. The Sergeant had a way of getting the Lieutenants to understand reason.

“That doesn’t sound like a bad idea, God,” Syn said.


“If a cop is with him, he might be on his best behavior.”

“That’s not exactly how he works. Everything is on his own terms.” God sighed.

Apparently God knew way more about this guy than he was saying and Michaels wondered what it was.

“He most likely won’t agree to Michaels tagging along anyway. He doesn’t work like that, either.”

Michaels huffed annoyingly. “Well how the hell does he work then?”

“He works the same way you make love, Michaels… alone,” Day said, winking at him.

A few of the guys tried to hide their laughter, but Michaels just rolled his eyes and flicked Day off. God smiled and shook his head at his partner. Although Michaels wasn’t in the joking mood, the humor did lighten things up a bit, so he played along.

“Hey, what I do in the dark in my car when I’m looking through you guys’ bedroom window is my damn business.”

God’s head snapped up, and the disgusted look creasing his handsome face had the room erupting in laughter again. Syn tried to hide his own laugh but it was loud and very contagious. They were high-fiving Michaels at getting one-up on Day, which rarely happened. Day blushed, raising his hands in defeat. “Good one, asshole.” He laughed, popping Michaels lightly on his cheek. That was all it took for them to get back to how they usually were. The somber moods had dissipated, and they were back in full-on go mode.

After settling down, God looked through a few of the papers that the IT guys dropped on his desk. Michaels and everyone else still stood around them, waiting on the final decision.