“I know,” Justice reasoned. “But I’m bonded to my true mate. I won’t be affected by his scent like the others. He’s safe with me. I promise.”

Adres gently lowered Orion into Justice’s outstretched arms. He cradled the animal to him and rubbed his rough stubble along the wolf’s muzzle. Orion cracked his eyes open and sniffed at Justice’s cheek before licking him along his stern jaw.

“He recognizes who I am,” Justice told Wick.

Wick ran his hand over the wolf’s fur, his eyes lowering as if he was dozing off. “He feels like…”

“Peace,” Adres whispered, dismounting from his horse and sending him away.

“Oh my gosh… he smells too good… Justice.” Farica panted as she inched backwards. “I don’t think I can control my shift. My wolf wants him, badly.”

Justice and Aleksei both glowered at their sister.

Aleksei gripped her elbow. “Get yourself together, Farica. You are an alpha.”

“I know!” she snapped at her brother, yanking her arm free. “You think I don’t know that? I’m trying my best.”

“Try harder,” Ramon bit out, appearing offended.

“My dear. It is not my fault,” Farica huffed, staring at her lover in exasperation. She was spasming, and the muscles in her arms were straining as if she was just barely holding her animal back.

“Control yourself,” Justice growled at his sister.

Farica didn’t shift, but she ran towards her cabin, and the Lord Protector flashed after her.

Adres felt bad for Farica. Both her brothers were mated and unaffected by the omega’s lore, but it was hardly fair to demand that she ignore her nature. It was understandable. But if she tried to get too close, Adres would have no problem blowing her onto the other side of the mountain. He felt a strong urge to protect Orion, feeling in his soul that he was always meant to cross paths with him again.

Now they had saved each other. Adres’s karma had finally turned in his favor.

Justice stood enamored, as did they all. “Taleb going to the Monstrous Reef must’ve triggered his arrival now.”

“His name is Orion, and he said he is the prophesy.”

Justice’s blue eyes got wider, and he was about to say something when they heard a commotion in the distance. The sound of glass shattering and wolves snarling had Justice running into his home with the omega tucked against him. The rest of them followed behind Justice, Adres being the last to cross the threshold. A pack of wolves burst through the tree line, falling over each other and scenting the air. He closed the door and put a ward on it to keep it from being forced open.

Justice laid Orion on the couch, and he shifted immediately and stretched his long, naked body along the leather sectional. His iridescent-white hair resembled a waterfall as it hung over the side of the brown armrest. His body was toned, not dainty, with strong thighs and corded biceps, but it was the flawless, alabaster skin covered with fairy dust that made him look and smell like magic. The omega groaned, with his eyes half-open as he stared at the mesmerized vampire standing on the opposite side of the room.

“There you are, my sweet mate.” Orion held his hand out towards Henry while he clutched his bruised side with his other arm.

Henry swallowed repeatedly as his feet began to move as if of their own accord. The reverence and mist in his eyes made it evident that Henry was gazing at his beloved. Wolves howled in the distance, but they all ignored it as they watched the pair in silence. A violet light flared in Orion’s eyes, and Henry went to his knees beside the couch.

Orion reached up and touched Henry’s cheek, and he responded by covering Orion’s hand with his own. Adres could only imagine what that first touch must feel like. A lone tear fell down Henry’s cheek as he pulled the handmade quilt from where it was draped over the back of the couch and covered Orion’s nakedness.

“Beloved,” Henry sighed.

“Henry is your true mate?” Justice asked Orion. “How did you know to come here?”

“My mother said it was time, that my alpha had come for me.” Orion caressed Henry’s face while he spoke. “The fairies brought me to your borders, Justice, but we didn’t anticipate the shield around it. It took a lot of magic for me to break one of the wards and some feral wolves, not shifters, caught my scent while I was waiting. I ended up having to run.”

“Shit,” Justice growled. “Where the fuck is Taleb?”

“Yes.” Orion cupped Henry’s smooth chin as he asked, “Where is he?”

“Who?” Henry shook his head slightly.

“Where is our other mate? Where’s the alpha?”

What in the gods? Adres was trying to pay close attention to what was happening before him, but he couldn’t ignore the banging outside, as if someone was trying to break into the cabin through the walls instead of the protected door.