Farica! Farica! Macauley tried his link to his sister for the millionth time and slumped against the wall when she finally answered.

Ouch! Stop yelling at me, Mac. I have the worst fuckin headache.

Macauley released a fatigued laugh as he hurried into the living room, almost dragging Adres behind him. Farica was lying on the couch with her eyes closed, but she wasn’t ghostly pale anymore, and she was lazily stroking Ramon’s cheek with one hand where he knelt beside her.

Orion had his hand over her heart, his head bowed as if he were praying while Henry and Taleb embraced him from behind. A faint purplish glow radiated beneath his palm until Farica blinked her long lashes and smiled into Ramon’s watery eyes.

Heavy footsteps sounded in the hall, and Adres put his hand up at the shocked expression on Justice’s face as he stared at the immaculately dressed Titans standing in his living room. Adres introduced them by name and the direction they hailed.

Justice’s enforcers assembled around him and his sister. “Thank you for your assistance. We have never faced a threat of this magnitude before.”

“It was not your battle to fight, Alpha Zenith. The sorcerer of strife can only be defeated by a Titan or a giant.” Boraleashe—as he was introduced—glanced around the room, as if he was taking in everything he saw, including Orion. Their skin was the same creamy pearlescent complexion and hair the color of new-fallen snow. “I am glad your sister is healed.”

Zepharali walked past Justice, his long blue shawl trailing on a warm summer breeze behind him. Macauley was stunned when he knelt behind Ramon, where his head lay on Farica’s chest and drove his long fingers through his hair. “She is not your cherished,” he spoke in a romantic, silky tone, “but she can be. If she so chooses.”

“Yes,” Farica croaked, as if she wanted to shout it but couldn’t, so she went with nodding profusely. “Gods, yes. Please.”

“My summer light brings the blossom of new love and passion.” Zepharali caressed Farica’s cheek, whatever was radiating from his touch making her lean farther into it. “Why do you think there are so many June weddings?”

Farica smiled, her serene chuckle filtering around the room and doing what it had always done for the pack—easing their worry. Macauley felt their sibling link spark with love and tranquility as the Lord of Summer’s winds bathed his sister in a powder-blue aura that traveled over her body.

Orion pulled his hand away and opened his eyes. Macauley frowned at how calm he was. He didn’t appear surprised by Adres and his brothers as he stood and bowed in their directions, as if he’d been expecting them all along. He wondered if perhaps Orion knew them?

Adres answered his thought. He has our blood inside of him. I believe he has always sensed us around him. Even from the Monstrous Reef.

“Your pack doctors are tending to your shifters, Alpha. My south winds bring the fall season and the beginning of new life. I will assist them to ensure they are well and your lands are repaired,” Notalus said gently.

“Blessings, thank you.” Justice clasped his hands in front of him and gave them each a respectable nod.

Boraleashe turned to Adres and put his hand on his shoulder. “We will see you again, Orestes.”

“Indeed.” Adres clutched his brother’s hand.

“And if we send for your wind,” he asked.

Adres was staring into Macauley’s eyes when he answered, “Then my young wolf and I will answer the call.”

Macauley dropped onto the couch and reclined his head back on the cushions. “My gods, I thought this night would never end.”

“Agreed.” Adres removed his cover and jacket and settled onto his lap. Something he only did when they were alone.

“And thank the gods that everyone is okay.” Macauley stroked Adres’s back. “What started out as one of the greatest nights in our history turned out to be one of the scariest.”

Adres tucked his face against his throat. “I’m just glad Wrath and Farica are okay. And no lives were lost.”

Macauley chuckled. “Farica is more than okay. She and Ramon are probably packing as we speak.”

He felt Adres’s lips curve against his throat. “Where do you think they’re going?”

“Who knows. I honestly don’t wanna think of my sister and her mating, okay?”

“Okay.” Adres nestled closer. “What do you want to think about instead? Shower… then bed.”

“Or…” Macauley ran his hand through Adres’s windswept hair and pulled so he could have his mouth, whispering as he licked his way inside. “We can plan our own vacation. Someplace with no snow.”

Adres released a gritty chuckle that made Macauley rear back as if he’d been hit. “What?” Adres rumbled, gazing into his eyes.

“You know what…” Macauley shook his head in wonder. “That’s the first time I’ve ever heard you laugh.”

“I did not—”

Macauley cut off his denial with another kiss. “Come on… let’s do it.”