Adres fumbled with his suit, turning in different directions to avoid facing Macauley’s older brother or the group of wide-eyed pups.

“We thought we were alone, Alek.” Macauley eyed the kids that started laughing and vibrating with energy.

“You should know by now this place has no privacy.” Aleksei smirked.

“Tell me about it,” Adres murmured.

“I just thought you guys might want to know that you had an audience.”

“We want to see your wind again, Lord Adres,” one of the older kids called out, raising raucous cheers from the rest of the group.

Macauley and Aleksei chuckled behind their fists as they watched the kids run around the bushes and pounce on Adres. Macauley almost felt sorry for him, but the panicked expression on his mate’s face and the way the pups tugged on his robe was too hilarious.

“You didn’t tell me that you had a fan club.” Macauley winked.

“I don’t,” Adres snarled as he was dragged farther away.

“Hey, Mac. While your mate is busy, can I holler at you for a second?” Aleksei gestured over his shoulder with his thumb.

“Sure,” he told him.

No! Adres blared. Don’t leave me.

I’ll just be one second, Adres. You’re doing great, Macauley told him as he went towards his cabin with his brother.

“Is everything okay?” he asked once they were near his porch.

“Actually, no. Michelle managed to get herself a meeting in front of Justice yesterday.” Aleksei looked him in his eyes. “She claims your mate challenged, then threatened her.”

“That’s bullshit,” Macauley growled. “Did she tell you what she said to me? If anything, she challenged Adres first, and he did not harm her.”

Aleksei gripped the back of his neck, his warm palm instantly calming the rage that had flared inside his wolf. “I know, brother. I’m not here for your mate, I’m just letting you know that she went to Justice.”

“And did he believe her?”

“You don’t see him here, do you?”

“No, but you are.”

“Actually, I was on my way home, and umm…” Aleksei glanced down at Macauley’s jeans riding low on his hips. “I heard some groaning. So, I thought I’d investigate.”

Macauley chuckled. “That’s Adres’s fault. He’s the loud one.”

“Looks like everything is all better with you two.”

“Things are great.”

“That’s good to hear. Wrath seems happy to have his friend back too. I was wondering why he watched Adres the way he did when he first arrived.”

“Yeah. Apparently, they have a long, complex history together.” Macauley frowned, appearing confused for a moment. “Wait… Wrath is… happy?”

Aleksei teetered his hand back and forth. “Happy in his own way.”

Macauley couldn’t begin to understand the complexities of his older brother’s relationship with his inner beasts and his mate.

“It is good they found us,” Macauley said, wondering what his life would’ve been like without Adres and how he’d lived for over thirty years without him.

“And don’t worry about Michelle. I think Farica got her situated. She shouldn’t be the cause of any more problems.” Aleksei lowered his raspy voice. “Just tell Adres no more breaking windows or telling people that he’ll blow them away.”

Macauley cringed. “That was probably taken out of context.”


Macauley walked back towards the compound, striking up a conversation with Aleksei about Taleb’s lucky ass having two mates, when the sound of a boy screaming made them both take off into a sprint. Macauley slid to a halt when he saw Anita and John’s ten-year-old son go flailing through the air and land in a huge haystack well over a hundred yards away. The boy leapt out of the mound of straw, laughing his ass off as he ran back towards the rapidly forming line.


“What the fuck?” Aleksei narrowed his eyes. He gaped at Macauley as Adres leaned against a picnic table while the next child stepped up for their turn. His mate flung his hand out—as if he was swatting away a pesky fly—and sent the kid hurling backwards, even adding a few flips in before he landed in the mountain of hay. “Is he playing some really fucked-up game of fetch with the pups?”

“Um.” Macauley ran his hand over his beard, stalling for time, because he didn’t know what the fuck to say. Another kid flew across the dark sky, his laughter and stunts making the other kids in line jump up and down for their turn. Macauley shrugged. “Well, they do seem to be enjoying themselves, so I don’t—”

“Mac!” Aleksei growled.

“Okay, okay,” he hurried to agree. “We have plans tonight anyway. It’s been rough getting all of this set up for the blood drive, so we haven’t had much time alone the past couple of weeks. I think Adres might be a little frustrated.”

“You and your guys did a great job, man.” Aleksei glanced at the lights that Macauley had strung over the courtyard.

While his big brother was distracted, Macauley faced Adres. Can you stop throwing the kids, please? he thought as sarcastically as he could. I don’t think their parents would appreciate it.