The wolf leapt forward as if it was imitating a kangaroo and grabbed the hem of Adres’s cloak and tugged. He pulled the fabric from the wolf’s slack jaws and pointed sternly at it. “Enough, you.” His so-called reprimand appeared to do nothing but challenge the little runt to try harder.

Adres could not believe what was happening. Why had Macauley not warned him? More young wolves ranging from perhaps five years old to teenager began to join in on the game, and before he knew it, Adres was whirling back and forth and yanking his cape away, just as another would attack him from behind. “Oh, for heaven’s sake. I do not play, you silly things.”

Adres managed to wrestle his cloak into his arms so that they had nothing else to grab. He continued walking, trying to ignore them. At least he knew now that the young pack members were not afraid of him after what he’d done to their alpha.

Though he still was not playing!

Three teenage wolves that could’ve been identical triplets leapt in front of his path, all of them dropping into those ridiculous playful poses and barking at him.

“Have you all nothing better to do? Go and run?” He waved, continuing forward, but they gave him little snarls, challenging him to try to get around them.

Adres turned his head at the sound of an airy chuckle and saw Farica standing in front of a duplex-style cabin with a few other women who he assumed were her betas. “Looks like you’ve made some friends, Lord Adres.”

“A little help, then, please.” Adres gestured to the gathering mob circling him.

“Oh, I don’t think you need any help, my Lord.” A woman with blonde curly hair smiled. “Rumors of your abilities have already begun. The pups are just curious, that’s all.”

Adres gritted his fangs, wondering if it appeared as a smile. He doubted it. Instead of continuing to ask for help that he wasn’t going to receive, he decided he would give these little scoundrels a taste of what they wanted so he could be on his way.

Adres released his cloak and lifted his hand towards the west, pulling on its elements. He gathered an abundance of warm air pressure to create a whirlwind strong enough to lift the three wolves off the ground. They flailed and barked as Adres blew them about twenty feet over his head and set them down near the women who stood shocked with their mouths hanging open.

Once the triplets were placed safely on their feet, there was complete silence for about five seconds as everyone stared as if they were in some kind of daze, before cheers, barks, and yips came from everywhere. What in all the god’s names? He was sure that would’ve sent them all fleeing. Farica and her friends were laughing as Adres prepared to run as though the hounds of Hell were chasing him. Pups were tumbling over themselves to get to him and barking and leaping up almost to his head, wanting a turn next.

“La naiba!”

“Oh, you have done it now, Adres.” Farica’s laugh seemed to have an even worse effect as she released her fun, carefree energy into the atmosphere that the pups seemed to absorb like goddamn candy.

Sugar and young ones were never a good combination.

Adres needed to seek refuge. He untangled himself and used his flash speed to clear the compound and up Justice’s porch steps. He could hear them chasing him, but he didn’t stop until he had closed the door and locked himself inside. Adres leaned against the heavy wood and caught his breath. Damn, those pups were fast, and clever. He peeked through the glass on the side of the door and saw the little buggers were sticking around, knowing he’d have to come out eventually.

You will pay for this, Macauley.

“Is everything all right, my Lord?” Henry asked from the hall that led to the kitchen. He wore a pristine white apron over his black dress shirt and slacks, so Adres knew what he’d been doing. “You look… frightened.”

“I am,” Adres complained. “What in the underworld is wrong with those children? They practically attacked me as soon as I made it to the compound.”

Henry laughed, and it sounded like Belleron’s, full of joy and contentment. “They love to make us their toys, especially on a full moon. They want us to use our speed and play tag and chase. I take it you didn’t enjoy it?” Adres must’ve given Henry the look of death because he wrung his dish towel in his hands and grimaced. “I suppose you did not. Can I get you anything, my Lord?”

“No, thank you. I am fine. I was hoping to see Belleron before they departed.” Adres followed Henry into the eat-in kitchen.

“He will be around shortly, I presume. Wick and Justice are almost set to go in the morning. I was just preparing a few things for him and his enforcers to snack on while on the road.”