Just like the rest of his brothers, they all had oversized furniture to accommodate their size, and he could see himself curling up on the wide chaise lounge and watching a movie with Adres resting against his chest.

Macauley shoved the last bite of his sandwich into his mouth and chased it down with a bottle of water. Once he was done, he wiped away the few crumbs he’d dropped onto the granite counter and turned off his kitchen light. He’d give Adres until the time he got out of the shower, and if he hadn’t shown up, then Macauley was going to hunt him down, and when he found him, it wouldn’t be pretty.

How dare his own mate be so disrespectful.

Macauley turned his taps on, ready to wash away the fatigue and stress of the day. He was getting backed up on his orders in his shop, and there was no way he was getting to those maintenance requests he had from at least five cabins last week. He hadn’t been able to focus on anything but healing his mate.

The steam began to fill the large space quickly, and Macauley couldn’t wait to enjoy the high-water pressure. He’d spent the most time and detail on his master bedroom and bathroom, which included a separate shower and a deep claw-foot tub that was perfect for days like this. He stepped underneath the dual showerheads and dropped his head to let the hot water beat against the knots at the base of his neck. It felt good to be able to take his time.

He poured a large dollop of bodywash into his palm and rubbed it over his chest. His nipples were hard and wanting to be bitten as he massaged the cardamom-scented soap along his pecs. He drizzled more down his abs and worked up a good lather before he took his cock in his hand and gave it a long stroke. Ahh fuck. He was too damn sensitive to hold back his groan, having gone too long since he’d had a decent release. Forever since he’d had a meaningful one.

He leaned against the tiled wall and spread his legs wider while the water massaged his body. Macauley slipped one hand under his balls and massaged the sensitive skin while he kept the other on his shaft. Thoughts of Adres being there with him, his pale body dripping wet, his dark gray-and-black hair slicked back, and his long fangs piercing his throat, ramped up the sensations until Macauley was gasping for breath. Need slammed into him as he gripped himself tighter and jerked slower, figuring this would need to last him a while.

Mmmm. Macauley was close already and he hadn’t been in there a whole five minutes. The veins in his forearms bulged with his restraint to be patient. It was a virtue he’d have to master if he was going to win the trust of his mate. And his soul.

The fire inside Macauley was growing hotter, the flames licking at his faltering self-control. He knew he was about to erupt, but no sooner had his balls tightened like walnuts and his dick pulsed in his hand, he heard his mate enter his home.

Or more like felt him.

Awareness prickled at the back of his neck, and excitement drenched him faster than the waterfall he stood under. Adres didn’t have a single shield up. Macauley released a sigh of relief and a groan of frustration at his neglected hardness which was going to have to wait a while longer. He turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. He inhaled deeply to see where his mate was as he tied a towel low around his waist, surprised to scent him just outside the door. Macauley’s cock pressed against the soft cotton when he smelled the richness of leather and the fragrance of sweet plums.

Mate, his wolf growled at him. His beast didn’t understand what their silly human hang-ups were. Their mate was right there in front of them and ripened for the taking.

Adres removed his hood as he stood in the center of Macauley’s bedroom, not knowing if he should sit, stand… hell, he felt like running all the way to the coast, then getting on any vessel that would take him away from there. But his mind would not let him get more than fifty miles away from the pack lands before the headaches started. Then the longing, and next came the dread, before he began to panic. The other night he’d put up his shields and tried to leave… not for good, but to at least clear his mind, but he’d just crossed the border of the White Mountain Forest before he had to turn Razboi around.

He’d come to Macauley like he’d asked, unable to deny him, but he wasn’t going to do what he was sure his cherished wanted. Fuck, he wasn’t sure he remembered how to anymore. Vampires didn’t need sex and intimacy; they needed blood, nothing more. However, he was learning that what he’d assumed all of his life may not be true. He’d heard Macauley’s sensual moans when he’d come through the front door, and his cock had immediately taken notice. He hadn’t been so aroused and so often that it made him dizzy and maybe a bit crazy. Adres began to get warm under his heavy cloak and was about to remove it when Macauley opened his bathroom door and stepped out in nothing but a thin towel cinched below his navel.