“Adres!” Farica growled, standing beside Ramon as he got to his feet and righted his black suit. “Explain yourself!”

Adres glared at Ramon before he stood and locked his sword behind him. “These men came to make a plea for their people. They were talking, not attacking. It is cowardly and beneath a soldier to strike defenseless men. These bound prisoners presented no threat.”

“Only to his pride.” Justice glared at Ramon.

Wrath growled as if he agreed.

Wick stood and walked down the platform. When Adres was sure the king was not about to shift and attack, he stepped aside. “Will you both remain on the grounds until I can secure a motorcade? Belleron and I will go with you. I want you to show me of what you speak.” Wick’s voice hardened as a warning growl escaped from his beast. “If this is a trick or if there is any deception, I—”

“They speak the truth,” Macauley voiced from beside his brother. “They were not with the assassins that attacked. They merely used them to gain access to the compound.”

“Very well,” Wick stated. “Then you are no longer my prisoners but my guests.”

“Your Majesty.” Azriel stood, this time bowing his head in respect. “I appreciate your offer of hospitality. But if we are free, we would like to return to our homes as soon as possible. Before the night’s end. Our coven is suffering, and they have not heard word from us in days. We need to leave now. We did not come to be courted. We won’t feast on the finest blood from all over the world while our families starve.”

Such honor. Adres was relieved he had not hesitated to come to their defense.

Wick nodded, then gave an apologetic smile. “Of course. We will ready a vehicle to return you to your covens. We can send rations with you—”

“And what about all the others?” Asa was quick to add. “There are so many others.”

“The king is aware now.” Adres turned to them, and the reverence in their eyes touched a place within his soul that he longed to revive. “He will do as he promises. Go back and tell your coven and tell them to spread the word.”

“Yes.” Asa nodded.

“Tell them the king is coming. And relief is on the way,” Adres assured them.

“And we will tell them that a horseman rides again.” Azriel gave a deep bow, his scarlet mane falling over his shoulder, and his mate followed suit, before they were both led away.

Macauley approached him as the others stared, perhaps not sure what to make of him and the god that had come to his aid again. Adres went down on one knee before the huge wolf and bowed his head. He did not bare his throat, but he tilted his head enough to show him the honor.

“Bless you,” Adres whispered.

Wrath dipped his head and placed his nose near his temple, and Adres froze in place. Blinding heat tore through his chest so fast that he didn’t have the time to squeeze his eyes shut before it was gone. When he caught his breath enough to glance up, Wrath and Belleron were gone.

Wrath’s presence in his mind was invigorating and again, familiar, but he did not stir him as strongly as the man at his back. Passion licked down his spine as strong hands gripped his waist. “Come to my house. Now.”

Adres nodded once because there were no intelligible words he could think to speak.

Macauley walked home with his three betas while they talked a mile a minute. Bundy was closest to him, always near his side as he had an animated disagreement with Anna. He wasn’t listening to them because all he could think about was if Adres would come to him like he’d demanded. He’d been avoiding and blocking him for days. He didn’t believe he could take much more. The thought of Adres being hungry, almost starving and refusing to feed from him, was unacceptable.

“That was fucking wild what just happened in there.” Rich clutched his head as if his brain was having a meltdown. “Did you see the way Adres moved and the way Wrath enveloped him with his heat waves, but he didn’t burn?”

“I know.” Anna laughed. “I couldn’t believe my eyes when he sent Ramon flying into the wall with that light from his sword.”

“And what the hell kind of sword is that?”

“It’s magic, dumbass,” Anna told Bundy. “You saw the light.”

“Was it me or did Wrath kiss him?”

Macauley almost tripped over a bulging tree root, but he quickly righted himself.

“That wasn’t a kiss. It was a blessing from a demigod.” Anna sighed. “Wow. Adres Cavalerie is something else. His scary face and that dark magic. It’s kinda hot, right? I wonder if he’s into men or women? I heard vampires don’t care about that.”