“You know who I am, don’t you?” Macauley said, his gaze roaming over Adres’s face.

It appeared the young wolf had gained some clarity also after they’d parted ways last night. Yet, Adres knew it didn’t change anything. “I know who I want you to be… but I am afraid that is not possible, young wolf.” Even as Adres said the words, a bittersweet knot of pain formed inside him. If only he’d never come here… he never would’ve found him. And he would not have to endure the agony of a thousand deaths when he was forced to walk away.

Adres made a sharp whistle, and a moment later, the air charged around them, and Razboi appeared at his side. His good friend shoved his muzzle in his chest, looking happy, strong, and well-rested—at least one of them had had a good night. Even his saddle had been treated and conditioned. Justice’s stable hands must’ve been as capable as he had claimed.

“He’s a beautiful creature,” Macauley noted, running his hand down Razboi’s flank. “How do you get him to move so fast?”

“He has been given a steady dose of my blood from the day he was born up until his abilities were fully formed.” Adres wasn’t sure why he’d answered the question. He was not used to being interrogated, but of course, he didn’t seem to mind Macauley’s curiosity.

Adres swallowed roughly. He’d relinquish every ounce of magic he harbored if it meant he could have Macauley as his own. Why had fate played such a horrible trick on him? All he’d ever done was champion for his people with his life. Yet he was rewarded with years of loneliness for his good deeds.

He kept his shoulders back and his head up as he led Razboi deeper into the woods, though he felt as if he could’ve crumbled at any moment. Waking up with Macauley on his mind and his dick as stiff as a javelin after dreaming of him for the few hours he’d been unconscious had solidified his presumption. Which meant there was only one thing he could do—ensure Macauley was safe and any threats to his life were eliminated, and then he’d leave and hope it didn’t take more than six months for him to die of starvation.

Razboi trotted ahead after noticing a bush of blueberries a few yards away, and Adres followed. Now was as good a time as any to get started on securing the entire perimeter of Justice’s territory. The Volkov pack lands ranged for miles over the White Mountain Forest; it would take several nights to secure it all. But he wouldn’t stop until he was done. He could never give his cherished his soul, but he could give him this. It was all he was good for.

“Where are you going, Adres? We’re not done talking.”

“Yes we are.”

A low growl rumbled in Macauley’s chest. “No. We are not.”

“I have to get to work, young wolf. The sun falls and rises quickly in the mountains.”

Macauley came closer, his mind and core completely open, and Adres almost choked on all the righteous goodness standing there just waiting for him to taste. Futu-i. He was tired, starving, distraught, and overwhelmed all at once. He couldn’t continue to stand there and gaze upon heaven, only to have the pearly gates slammed in his face.

“You have time. Your men are in the breakfast hall. Don’t you need to wait for them?” Macauley’s words, his height, his bulk, his sexy superiority all moved Adres backwards until his spine connected with the smooth surface of a large boulder. “Have you… did you get to…”

Adres’s breath left his lungs in a rush as Macauley placed his palms flat against the surface on either side of his head and leaned into him, his thick biceps preventing him from getting away. But little did he know, Adres was not going to put up a fight. “Did I…”

“Feed… or eat,” Macauley asked roughly, a hint of genuine concern resonating in his voice.

“No.” There was no use lying.

“Did you eat last night, then?” Macauley whispered, as if he’d asked a question he didn’t want the answer to.



“Macauley.” Adres sighed, exhaustion seeping through the cracks of his shield that he could never fully keep enforced around his beloved. My beloved. Adres felt a blunt object jab at his chest, causing him to almost choke on his words. “I am not hungry.”

“Adres.” Macauley lowered his voice, but Adres could tell it took a tremendous amount of effort for him not to yell as he commanded, “Do. Not. Lie to me.”

Adres flinched at the hurt in Macauley’s tone, feeling terrified that he was already in too deep. “When I feed… or do not is of no consequence. Just know I have enough energy to protect you and everything you cherish.”

Though one of those things will never be me. Adres attempted to flash away, but Macauley jerked his arm out and caught him around his midsection. His back was returned to the cool stone in a fierce second, and Macauley used his bulk to pin him down. “Then you must not know how this is going to work. And until you do… you are not going anywhere.”