“Bloody cheater!” Wick yelled right before he shifted to his big beast and flashed after Justice’s white wolf.

“Hey you two!” Mac yelled. Justice heard his brothers’ hearty laughs as they shifted and chased after them. It wasn’t long before a few others had joined in. Their howls and roars could be heard for miles. It was great to be home and it was evident his pack was as happy, too. Justice led his mate and his pack through the mountains to the refreshing river. Eight or nine wolves trotted over and drank beside them. He guessed his pack had a resurgence of energy.

When they were done eating and drinking, more tussling and wrestling began when Mac called himself the real alpha. Justice jumped out of the pile and dropped down next to the big tiger watching over the group with a caring and keen eye. Justice burrowed against his mate, turning to lick his dark nose, his cheek, rubbing anywhere he could leave his scent. One by one, the wolves came over and brushed against them both before running off. Justice accepted his brothers’ warmth and grazes against his flank, all of them feeling the absence of Alek. Mac whined against Justice’s cheek, rubbing him affectionately.

“He’s going to be okay, Macauley,” Justice assured his brother, sending him on his way.

“He will be okay, Justice,” Wick said. “Bell is a good man, too. He’ll do what’s right.”

“I hope so.”

Wick stood and stretched his long back, shaking his thick fur again. “Let’s go home.”

“Damn, I love the way that sounds,” Justice answered.

“You’ll hear it forever.” Wick rubbed against him as they walked.

“There’s so much more to be done. This is only the beginning.”

Wick’s dedication flowed through their bond. “I know. I’m right here with you. All the way.”

A gust of cool wind blew through their fur, as a soft, gentle hand caressed their backs as they moved. They turned their heads towards each other, both having felt it.

“Was that… was that your mom?”

Justice couldn’t nod. Instead, he flooded his mate with all the happiness and emotion he felt from his mom’s touch. “It was her.”

Justice took his vampire mate home.

The End… for now.

Continue reading…

Prophesy II

Aleksei ‘Alek’ Volkov


The Lord High – Belleron ‘Bell’ Liatos


Alek was sitting on the edge of his bed, drying his hair with a thick blue towel. He’d showered on the RV, but he decided to take another since it was the only place in his home that would drown out the outside noise. The sounds of his big brother and his mate leading the pack on a spontaneous night run to celebrate their first evening home. They were all having a ball and Alek yearned to join them. His brothers howled somberly to him but his wolf ignored them. He was curled up in the corner, his wolf sad and despondent over its mate. Alek and his weakness had fucked up everything. He should’ve controlled the situation.

Usually when he came home, he couldn’t wait to kick back and relax in his sanctuary. He’d either work on rebuilding his classic Impala in his garage, or busy himself with projects around his house. Right now, he wasn’t in the mood for any of the things he enjoyed. He wasn’t in the mood for gratification. The thought of that word made him think of Bell. What a name. Beautiful. He was beautiful.

Alek sighed in frustration for the millionth time, falling back on his bed. He should get in it and curl up under the covers and never show his face again. How could he embarrass his entire pack like that? He knew how. He’d been alone for so long. Being Justice’s second was never light on the duties, but Alek always went above and beyond for the packs, too. Staying busy was the best way to avoid any longing feelings. The other siblings would sow their oats here and there but Alek was always at Justice’s side. He’d wondered if Justice felt the same yearning for companionship as he did, but his brother never mentioned it, so he didn’t, either. He was born to be a leader, selfless, and always putting others first.

But, God help him, he didn’t want to be alone. Sure, he was who he was. He took care of everyone else’s problems. However, when he came home at night, who was there to care for him? Who would he vent about his day with? Who could he hold and comfort in his own bed? Alek had wanted something that was all his own for so long, that when his wolf recognized his mate, he didn’t wait, he took it.

I took it. And ruined everything.

Alek barely had the will to pull his sheets back on his king-sized bed. Leaving the towel tight around his waist, he turned to crawl under the covers when he heard faint breaths… breaths inside his home. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up, warning him the way a spider was warned when something disturbed its web. It wasn’t easy to sneak up on a shifter, it’s damn near impossible. Unless you’re a mature vampire and can shield your scent.