Jerry pulled his collar down until it was at the tip of his sternum and tilted his head back.

Wick slid one hand around Jerry’s neck – not to keep him from moving – adding his touch to his bite would only make it feel that much better. He pushed his nose against Jerry’s throat and inhaled him. “You smell so sweet, with a hint of nuttiness. You have a lot of Polish blood in you.”

“I-I didn’t know that.” Jerry swallowed roughly. His arousal was mixing with his scent, adding a hint of spice to the fragrances already flooding Wick’s nose. All the touching and Jerry’s panting in anticipation of Wick’s bite still didn’t put him in a sexual mood. Instead of dwelling on it, Wick carefully pierced Jerry’s skin, going for the carotid artery instead of his jugular vein.

“Ohhh,” Jerry moaned immediately. Wick hadn’t even begun to suck yet.

Most vampires didn’t attempt drinking from the neck’s arteries, since it was so dangerous, but Wick could do it with ease and make it quite pleasurable for the donor. It’s a potent bite that took incomparable skill to heal and close properly to not cause permanent damage. Blame it on his upbringing, but Wick preferred the better-tasting, nutrient-rich blood that flowed through the arteries instead of used-up blood from the heart.

“I need to come so bad, please,” Jerry cried to him.

Wick kept drinking while Jerry ground his thick erection against Wick’s thigh. “Then come.” Wick pushed into Jerry’s mind.

Jerry bucked hard in Wick’s hold, shooting his robust semen inside his dark jeans, saturating the room with his unique scent. Neither one of them cared, Wick would sleep well tonight. He was ultra-mindful of how much he consumed while he drank down the warm blood, the thick, rich contents coating his empty belly. With precision and expertise, Wick pulled his long fangs from Jerry’s throat and held him steady while the man came down from the most amazing high he’d ever feel. Wick helped him to the sectional along the far wall of his quarters.

“Rest, pretty one.” Wick stroked Jerry’s hair while he lay down on the sofa to recover. While Wick never over-indulged from a human, drinking so much to risk harming them, his bite wasn’t one you could casually walk away from. He’d not only pushed pheromones into Jerry but Wick also projected strength and health into him, as well. If Jerry had anything from a runny nose to cancer… it’d be completely gone when he woke from a deep sleep. There weren’t many human illnesses the elixir in Wick’s fangs couldn’t cure.

Wick washed his hands and readied himself for sleep. He checked on Jerry one more time then proceeded to turn out all the lights in his suite, wanting to surround himself with darkness. His eyes didn’t need adjusting because the illuminant starry Nevada sky provided ample lighting. Enough to disturb his much-wanted sleep.

Wick was about to climb into bed when he felt that summoning feeling down inside him. He went to the crystal clean, windows and peered out at the landscape. It was almost two in the morning. He could still see for miles, even through the thick trees. There was forest as far as the land continued. Wick reached out and unlocked one patio door, slinging the heavy, double-paned glass to the side with ease.

Wick breathed deeply. He’d needed this after leaving the scenic countryside of London. He needed to see something beautiful in the United States. The night winds spoke to him. Wick closed his eyes and stepped out onto the private balcony. His skin prickled and a fierce shiver wracked his body, his chest making a dark, distinct rumbling noise. Wick hurried to shield his nervousness, he didn’t want his captain or other officers picking up on it. Wick clutched his hand over his chest when the rumbling got louder.

He could feel something… it… stirring down deep, deep inside him. He’d never seen it, only knew it lurked there below his many facades. Wick looked back out into the forest, feeling like something was there watching him. He scented the air. Again, nothing but shifters far off in the distance. Then he picked up on one particular scent. So faint but so wonderful. What is that? His chest rumbled again, this time bolder, fiercer. Wick dropped down to one knee, digging into the flesh over his pecs so hard his nails left angry marks on his pale skin that instantly faded away. Wick’s eyes widened. What is here? What had his beast in a frenzy? He knew nothing else to call it. Are you ready to come out now?

“Alpha Zenith, it’s an honor to receive you and your pack. A few of the pups have planned a little skit for you to show how much your presence here means to us.” When the Humboldt pack’s first beta finished his speech, many of the pack members stood and applauded as the younger members of the pack began to set up.