The SUV turned onto a dark road that had no markers or indicators. Wick looked behind them but he knew they hadn’t been followed. He could faintly smell shifters, but that was to be expected. They were nestled in the woods. Wick wondered why his captain chose this area for their lodging.

“Didn’t you say the shifters and vampires weren’t getting along so well here?” Wick spoke up, though he immediately wanted to take the words back when the trees cleared and a huge log-cabin style home came into view. It was majestic, to say the least. The SUV maneuvered its way around the immaculate landscape. A grand fountain sat in the center of a cobblestone driveway. Boulder-sized rocks lined the few stairs that led to wide open double doors. The gardens, tall foliage and shrubs, shielded the entire perimeter. No one would know this amazing property was even back here.

“There is a pack here called the Humboldt Pack, under Alpha Mikel. It’s a large pack of about one hundred fifty shifters, but they’re peaceful. I checked them thoroughly. There’ve been no infractions reported on this pack. Besides, the pack’s main land is several miles farther down, in the mountains. They don’t typically set up home so close to a town.”

“We’re at least an hour away from civilization.” Wick got out the truck feeling safer already, not being in the middle of the city. That was an interesting feeling, one he hadn’t felt before. He was more comfortable with shifters close by than his own vampires.

“Shifters usually build their pack lands three to four hours away from a town or city.” Erman came around to Wick’s side of the truck and gestured for him to move towards the front doors. “Besides, I don’t smell anything. There are no shifters on this side.”

That’s what you think.

“Also, the Alpha Zenith is being housed by the Humboldt Pack while he and his pack are here.” His captain continued to inform him while he made his way inside. He loved it already. He kept his smile on the inside, since the attendees of the house were watching. They bowed slightly as he passed. Several were dressed in typical butler or house maid uniforms. Some were human, some were not, and many different races were represented. He acknowledged them all with a slight tilt of his head.

“Greetings, everyone. Thank you for the warm welcome.” Wick let a young human man take his suit jacket and his satchel.

“I’ll put this in your living quarters, sir.” The man bowed again and turned to leave.

Wick put his hands in the air, gathering everyone’s attention. “Is the owner of the house available? I’d like to address him or her as well.”

“No, my Lord. He’s away in Japan on business for the rest of the year. He’s graciously offered his home for his King to use during his stay,” his captain told him. “He’s available to Skype if you’d like to speak with him.”

“No.” Wick could speak with him later. “I want to officially say that it is not necessary to address me so formally.”

“My Lord. I don’t think you—”

Wick flashed his eyes at his captain, making him snap his mouth shut and not dare interrupt him again. “I know you’re used to my father’s ways, but times change. I. Am. Not. My. Father. But I am your King. I’m not unapproachable, however I am no one to trifle with. You can call me Wick if you like.” Wick watched as many of the staff and a few officers looked blankly back and forth among themselves. They were going to have to learn. Wick wasn’t in this position for the title and prestige like many before him. The role as king came with great responsibility, which he took very seriously. He didn’t need ass-kissers surrounding him, he needed competent vampires to get this city’s covens back in order. “If Wick is too informal and you can’t manage it, then you can simply call me King. I don’t want to hear ‘lord’, ‘your highness’, ‘your majesty’, ‘oh royal one.’” Wick smirked. “I’ve heard it all and I’m done hearing it. Don’t let the accent fool you, please. I’m not the ruler of England and this isn’t Buckingham Palace.”

That finally earned him a few chuckles from around the room. He wouldn’t rule from a place of fear. He could smell the acrid scent when he first arrived but it was finally leveling out as those surrounding him started to get more comfortable, knowing that Wick wasn’t going to run around snapping their necks if his pillow wasn’t fluffy enough, or if they didn’t import him rare Arabian noble blood each sunset for breakfast. Meaning, he wasn’t as absurd and over the top as most high-ranking officials or their elite and infamous.

Wick clapped his lean hands together. “With that said. I know the night is young and all of you are bubbling with welcome, but I’ve had a rather long flight and would like to go to my room. Thank you.”