Wick looked like he was appeasing a big kid. “I’ll watch whatever you want, love.”

Justice didn’t hesitate to put on the first Transformers. It was his and his brothers’ favorite. They were huge action film junkies, whenever they had time to watch whole movies together. When everything was settled with the rogue pack and Justice had his mate home, he was going to treat him to a real date and a real movie.

When they were finished, he asked Wick how he felt about his first movie experience.

“It was fast and loud.”

Justice nodded waiting on Wick to elaborate, but he never did. His mate simply allowed Henry to remove the big bowl of chips Justice was munching on, and the large cup of iced tea. He was about to suggest the sequel when Henry announced his dinner was ready.

Justice ate his food like usual. With Wick watching and Henry gushing over the compliments. As soon as Wick started telling Henry about the sandwich he attempted to make for Justice and the step by step playback of exactly how he prepared it, neither of them could stop laughing for a long while. It wasn’t until Wick yawned that he realized his mate was running out of steam. He’d been up for practically two days.

“Henry. Dinner was amazing, as usual. You should give my sister that rib rub recipe. I’ve never been one for too much seasoning, but wow.”

“You sure are full of the compliments now.” Wick raised one irritated brow at him.

“Aww, baby. You satisfy me in so many other ways.” Justice slid his chair back and pulled Wick onto his lap while Henry awkwardly removed the dishes from around them. “Henry, we’re turning in soon. Wick’s had a long day.”

They hadn’t told anyone else about the day walking and no one was going to question the King about his new habits.

“I want to go for a swim, then I’ll go to bed.” Wick was up and moving without waiting for Justice to agree. “We should be fine the rest of the evening, Henry.”

“Very well, sir. I’ll be going to the market before it closes.” Henry stopped Justice when he was walking out the kitchen. “Alpha. Did you say your sister has a meatloaf recipe you adore?”

“Yeah. It was my mother’s.” Justice couldn’t stop the heartfelt look anytime he mentioned his dear mom.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize it was family secret,” Henry apologized.

“No. It’s not a secret. I’m sure Farica would love to share it with you.” He placed his hand on Henry’s shoulder, letting him relax under his touch. “Once we all start to work together, I’m sure the ladies and gents that prefer to show off in the kitchen will be all over you and your recipes, as well.”

He left Henry feeling amazing and reassured while he took Wick’s hand and led him to the backyard. “You sure you’re up for more swimming?”

“I said swimming in front of Henry. But, no. I want you in that hot tub over there behind that tall rock wall.” Wick pointed off from the long, in-ground pool.

“I was wondering what was back there.” Justice raised both brows. A warm dip in a secluded hot tub didn’t sound bad at all.

They removed all their clothes and walked up the wood deck to the large, whirring tub. The rock garden fire pit was already lit, providing a romantic haven for them. Justice got rid of the boxer briefs and climbed in, hissing at the temperature. “Oh fuck, that’s hot.”

“Wonderful,” Wick said joining him.

Justice couldn’t thank the Mother enough for the special gift in his arms. Wick was everything to him already. His packs were still priority, but now he had even more priorities. Justice slicked Wick’s black hair back, leaning in every few seconds to kiss or lick at his mark. He knew it would get his mate going, it always did.

“I need you.”

Enough said. Justice moved from behind Wick and came to kneel in front of him. The tub was deep, too deep for what he wanted. “Wrap your arms over the edge.”

Wick put both arms out, while Justice cupped his ass and lifted him up so his cock was bobbing out the water like a buoy. Long and pale, not hot, but definitely not as cool as it had been. He made sure to keep his eyes on Wick as he took just the head in first, licking it and bathing it with the flat of his tongue.

“Oh god. Justice, more,” Wick gasped.

Justice liked that sound and he wanted more. He pushed up on Wick’s ass, making him weightless, engulfing all of him. Justice was greedy when it came to Wick. He tasted so damn good, Justice found himself sucking zealously, his mate clawing at the smooth wood surface and crying his name.

“Yes. Give me what I want.” Justice wouldn’t double his efforts; he didn’t need to. He could feel the overwhelming pleasure in Wick through their link, could sense his orgasm was an avalanche, unstoppable.