Justice was stunned over quite a few things. He couldn’t believe how sensitive the vampire was. He thought they were mostly a dime a dozen, all of them full of cockiness and nonchalance. Justice had assumed this, and like the saying goes, he made a complete ass of himself. He wanted to fix this. He needed to make sweet Henry feel better. It baffled Justice that he felt the compulsion as strongly as when he needed to console his wolves.

With Wick’s hand on the small of Justice’s back, he felt the positive, soothing energy his mate was sending to him. Justice closed his eyes and centered all the emotion and strength within him. When he spoke again, his voice was calm but authoritative. “Let me touch you again.”

Henry could only gulp hard and croak out an uneasy “Yes, sir,” after he got the nod of approval from his King. While he sat there, radiating anxiety and nervousness thick enough to stifle them, Justice reached his hand out and gently placed it on Henry’s shoulder, the pad of Justice’s thumb touching Henry just about his stark, white collar.

Henry shivered as his eyes fluttered closed. Justice felt Wick’s tranquility, but he also felt Henry’s worry ease more and more until the man was vibrating and smiling under Justice’s touch. When he removed his hand, Henry’s eyes reopened, gleaming brightly. “I wouldn’t mind more of that.”

“Cheeky.” Wick sneered with no heat, moving back to where he was sitting.

“It’s still so warm,” Henry said in awe, rubbing his thin fingers where Justice’s had been. “His touch is pretty amazing.”

Wick peered up from his phone, briefly. “Yes, I know. Glorious. I’ll have every vampire within a two hundred mile radius all waiting to be touched by my mate.”

“Jealous.” Justice’s grin was irritating.

“That’s preposterous, crazy. I have no reason to be.”

“I like how it sounds when you say that word, in that superior accent of yours. Later tonight I’m going to make you say it repeatedly… and much louder.”

Ramon came in with the four remaining vampires. “Greetings.”

Henry was on cloud nine as he bounded into the kitchen and started to prepare the other vampires’ first meals, removing the already submerged bags of lifeblood from what Henry had told him was a water oven.

The men sat down with Wick and Justice, waiting for their meals and instructions for the night. He wanted to sit there and watch the King do his business, but he did need to get back down the mountain to the Humboldt’s land and discipline the rogue shifters. Besides, he was sure his pack missed him. He’d been sleeping during the day and up with his mate at night. That was still a worrisome topic for them both.

“I’m going to get back down the mountain.”

“I can give you a ride,” Ramon volunteered quickly.

“I can run faster.” Justice smirked, turning back to Wick.

Wick smiled and leaned up for another kiss. The others considerately turned away while Justice kissed across Wick’s temple, mouth and jaw, until he got to his mark. He whispered – knowing that everyone could still hear him – “I won’t be long.”

“My meetings will probably run late. Eat the dinner Henry’s researching and I’ll join you when I’m finished.”

Justice had a feeling that meant for him not to come disturb him when he was videoconferencing with the previous King, Winchester Bentley, and the royal Councilors. With one last loving thought and a vision of their animals running together tonight under the moonlight after Wick’s long night of work, Justice walked out the front door, accepting Wick’s returned feelings.

It took him a second to pry his hand off the doorknob. He had to go. He was going to have to learn to be away from his mate sometimes so they could continue to perform their duties. Justice alerted his siblings he was coming, shifted to his wolf and bounded into the trees.

Justice emerged through the tree line, having given his wolf a good run. The alpha’s large home was still brightly lit inside, meaning they were all waiting for him. There wasn’t much activity as far as work during the evening, it was a time for community and family. A few of the teenage shifters were playing in the massive courtyard, rolling around and wrestling, nipping and leaping onto each other’s backs. All their heads went up at the same time when Justice approached. It took them a few seconds, but when they realized their AZ was about to join in on the fray and wrestle right along with them, the excitement and barks of joy rang out through the pack lands, bringing most of the shifters back out of their cabins to watch.

It was important for Justice to directly interact with his shifters. He wasn’t the type of leader to rule from on high. Justice was fully approachable. He wasn’t an alpha that said he cared but never showed it. He needed to reinforce his relationship with them, especially with the threat looming, to let them know they were protected. And having the adults playing and tussling with the younger ones was a good way to make them stronger and to teach self-defense. It was natural for maturing wolves to test their limits, and Justice was quick to teach them a lesson that they valued immensely.