Justice accepted the respect and let the man address his King.

“Chadwick. El capitán is out front. He refuses to come inside and resume his duties until the Alpha returns to the Humboldt Pack lands. He says the cabin was rented to—”

“Stop right there,” Wick cut off his Lord Protector. “I understand that your captain gave you a message to deliver and you followed those orders. However, effective immediately, Ermanno Giuliani is no longer your superior.”

“Sí, my Lord. I understand,” Ramon answered. “If I may…?”

“Speak.” Wick granted, eyeing Justice cautiously.

The man Wick trusted to advise him was outside issuing a direct challenge to his Beloved. Wick didn’t know how he’d missed this. Missed the signs. Erman never once expressed a sexual interest in Wick. This was beyond disrespectful in not only Justice’s world but in Wick’s as well. It was a punishable offense to bring mayhem and discord to the King’s life, but for it to be done by someone he trusted made the offense worse. Wick couldn’t let go of his anger regarding Erman’s betrayal. They didn’t have time for childishness. He and Justice already had their work cut out for them rallying the species and fight together, not each other. This was starting out all wrong. Now his mate had to fight, only one day after claiming him. Wick would graciously kill Erman himself or issue the order to Ramon, but Justice would never allow anyone to fight for him when he was more than capable himself.

“We all stand behind you and your mate. Our loyalty lies with you, King Bentley. I’ve protected you for over forty years, Wick. That will not end today. We believe you and your mate were sent to protect us and guide us into the next century.”

Wick stood and placed his hand on Ramon’s shoulder. “I expected nothing less of you. Your devotion is uncompromising.”

Ramon turned his full attention to Justice, his jet-black eyes fearless, his posture steadfast. “When I first became a vampire, I was fascinated to learn of shifters. I studied your species, your culture for years. The rules of challenging are relatively the same in our species. Justice, you are the King’s Beloved. As the Lord Protector, I have the right to request to be your fighter in this challenge if you choose, just as your betas can champion for you. Personally, I’d be honored to fight for you and your true mate.”

Justice knew that gutless, poaching motherfucker would be back, he just didn’t think it’d be tonight. He thought Erman would be licking his bruised ego for at least a few days. Justice looked at the clock on the stove, it was almost two in the morning. Peak time for vampires, but the night still belonged to the wolf.

Ramon Vega’s thick chest was pumped up and his eyes held a startling shade of red behind the blackness. He wanted to show his skill, whether for him or Wick, he didn’t know. Ramon looked like he was trying to will Justice to say yes to him, but Justice didn’t need anyone to fight his battles. A challenge for his mate was his duty to accept… and win. It was the only way to rightfully claim his prize.

“Ramon, I only need you to perform two tasks, hopefully not three. No one ever wants the third task.” Justice didn’t have to look down at Ramon when he spoke, he stood at the same six-foot two as him, but Ramon courteously averted his eyes to Justice’s shoulder.

“Por favor. Name them.”

“First, and most important. Please situate the rest of Wick’s escort to the right side of the lawn. Tell them to remain there throughout the challenge. That way I won’t suspect them of potentially interfering or sneaking up on me from behind by their movement.”

“No one will sneak up on you. I won’t allow it!” Wick roared, his energy starting to permeate the room. Justice soaked it up, savoring the authority.

“Everything will be fine mate. I promise.”

They could smell the stench of Erman’s deceit all the way in the house.

“The second task.” Justice felt his canines burning to descend and destroy. His voice getting darker and deadlier as he spoke. “After I win and I exile Ermanno Giuliani from any and all shifter territory, I want you to escort him to the state line. Nevada is claimed land.”

“Sí, Alpha,” Ramon answered swiftly. “King Bentley. I have to be honest and forthcoming with my report. Captain Erman does not believe Justice is your fated Beloved because of the way he first refused your call. He wants us to leave Nevada immediately. Absolutely no one is siding with him and he’s turning violent.”

Justice’s menacing growl made Ramon ease back a couple steps and drop his eyes further. His voice was a booming bass that made his threat travel well beyond the perimeters of the cabin and far past the front lawn. “My THIRD task, Lord Protector. When I win the challenge… properly dispose of the captain’s body.”