“It’s interesting to hear you say that. I’m not sure where you stand on killing, Wick.”

Wick stopped walking and turned to face Justice. “Now, I’m picking up on a heavy feeling.”

“When we first met the police chief, he said you agreed to kill all the vampires involved in the feud. That you hardly asked questions. Is that true? Did you ordered them killed?”

“Technically no, but also yes, I did.”

“Wick.” Justice narrowed his eyes, not wanting to decode the puzzling answer.

Wick squatted and scooped a handful of soft earth into his hands, letting it sift through his slim fingers. “I’m not as ruthless as my father. He was fair but if you were guilty he wasn’t lenient. I know the vampires were defending themselves, but they could always have made another choice. They were decades older than your shifters, they knew better. They should’ve walked… well, run from the situation. The shifters wouldn’t’ve been able to keep up and therefore nothing would have happened and a vulnerable human wouldn’t’ve lost his life. A woman would still have her spouse and the father of her children. I made the right and final decision sending them away. They’ll never return to the States again. So technically, no I didn’t behead them and end their existence, but yes, I ensured that they are dead to this generation. I’ll awaken them in the next one.”

“Holy shit,” Justice murmured. “So they were put to sleep?”

“Not quite. They’re not rabid dogs. After not feeding for weeks, a vampire will go into a comatose-like state until their body is re-nourished. It’s not a pleasant state to be in and it teaches one hell of a lesson. It’s vampire prison, if you will.” Wick looked up at the dark sky. “I told that prejudiced cop what I needed to so I could get them out of his clutches… and your wolves’.”

Justice should’ve known Wick wasn’t that vicious. What he was, was strategic, bold, and a little bit cunning. That last trait was the one that made Justice’s lower half react. He linked his hand in Wick’s and tugged until he fell against his chest. “I wasn’t questioning your leadership, I’m only trying to know you politically, too. We will have to govern together, right?”

“Yes. I know. I’ll tell you anything you want. I’ll listen to your advice and accept your counsel as my alpha and Beloved, but I hope you will respect me and give equal weight to mine as well. I’ve been around a long time and I’ve spoken with a lot of great minds.”

Justice answered Wick with a sweet, honest kiss. Three words already danced on the tip of his tongue but he didn’t speak them. Not yet. Wick moaned and squeezed Justice tighter. Their tongues tangled, Wick giving Justice a fun fight. Gripping Wick in a bear hug that made a large bubble of satisfied laughter burst from Wick, Justice walked them backwards until Wick’s back hit the base of a tree. God, he couldn’t stop wanting his hands and mouth on Wick. If he’d thought the mate bite would ease his urges, he was sadly mistaken. He only wanted him more. Coveted him and his brilliance. A gorgeous man inside and out. His mate oozed so much charm and passion; Justice was helpless not to succumb.

A scampering sound several feet away made Wick yank his head away and look over Justice’s shoulder, his pupils shifting to dark narrow slits.

Justice beamed proudly. “You hear that, don’t you? The wild. It’s your instinct to detect, track, hunt, then… take down. You are an alpha too, babe. I don’t have to pull your animal from you, you’re powerful enough to call him all on your own.”

Wick knelt down to the earth and dug his fingers in, feeling the roots of nature.

“Take off all your clothes, Wick. Stay in the mind frame you’re in. Stay as focused as you are on me and the landscape around you. Inhale the different fragrances. The dark scent of night. The damp leaves. The perfume of honeysuckle. The pungent wild mushrooms. The sweetness of the chokecherries and desert peaches. Everything Wick, accept it all.”

Justice was removing his clothes as he spoke. His mate hung on his every word, trusting Justice to guide him. He lowered his voice when Wick got down on all fours and tucked his chin to his chest. The air was already radiating energy around him. Yes, mate. “The Mother chose the most fitting animal for your stature, King Bentley. She chose the ruler of the jungle. You are a stunning tiger, Wick. Your roar can paralyze. There’s another king inside you and you control him.” Justice stepped back, his voice stern. “Now call him forward.”

The immediate and simultaneous realigning of Wick’s bones made the transformation sound like a bolt of lightning striking concrete. A sharp crack resounded, then a vicious roar. Justice fell back on his ass as Wick towered over him on four strong legs, his large head held high. A heavy shake fluffed out the stark, white fur, sporadically streaked with long black stripes.