“Oh, wow.” Justice nodded, eager to learn any and everything about his mate. “How old are you, Henry?” The guy didn’t look a day over thirty.

“Seventy-four. I’ve been serving my King for thirty-five years. He’s an amazing man and vampire. My house served many high-ranking Lords, but I’ve never been prouder than to serve Chadwick Bentley. He’s like no other King… no… he’s like no other vampire. He’s endless knowledge, but his greatest strength is—”

“Maybe some things you should let the King tell himself.”

Justice knew Wick’s captain was coming but he hadn’t wanted Henry to stop with all the warm compliments about his mate. Too bad Mr. Buzzkill put a stop right at the good part. What was Wick’s greatest strength, according to Henry? Justice believed he may already know anyway.

“Yes, sir. I have your first meal ready, Captain.” Henry went about his duties and Justice didn’t bother him anymore.

“I see you found some food,” Erman said wryly, sitting down at the table – in a similar get-up as yesterday – with Justice and pulling a folded newspaper from under his arm. His tone was clipped. “So, will I be allowed to speak with my leader today… Alpha?”

Justice caught the rude undertone. He wasn’t in the mood to argue, he’d had a good start to his day, and his evening was about to get even better because he could feel Wick rousing from his sleep. “Maybe. I’ll let you know… Captain.”

Henry placed a mug of warm, crimson red, liquid in front of Erman, who sipped it like it was the most expensive, finest coffee in the world while eyeing Justice theatrically over the brim.


“I’m coming back up now, Wick.”

Justice didn’t care that he left Erman pissed and ignored in the kitchen. The vampire had a chip on his shoulder that Justice wouldn’t mind knocking off. This was supposed to be a trusted advisor of Wick’s but instead he was acting like a jealous… Justice stopped at the door to the bedroom suite. Had Wick and his captain been…? Justice’s wolf released a warning.

Wick was sitting up in bed, rubbing his eyes. As soon as Justice came in, his nose filled with his mate, the need attacking him again. The need to make Wick his.

Wick could feel that Justice was in the house but he wanted him back in the bed. The sheets smelled like Justice and it kept Wick in a constant state of hardness from the moment he cracked his eyelids. He wasn’t tired, confused, hurt, or hungry anymore. Actually, he was hungry alright. Justice looked amazing in Wick’s robe. It was a bit tight around Justice’s large biceps and chest but that what’s made him look so appetizing.

Justice stood at the side of Wick’s massive bed and slowly removed the robe, letting it fall to the floor at his bare feet. Wick pulled back the edge of the thick blanket and invited Justice back inside, giving him a quick glimpse of hairless, ivory skin that quickly drew Justice in like the call of a full moon. He covered Wick’s body, both of them moaning at the first contact.

“Good evening sleepy head.”

Wick could wake up to the sound of Justice’s hypnotic voice every day. Feel his presence all around him even when he rested. “Are you always so warm?” Wick asked sexily, molding his body to Justice. He was so used to his low body temperature, that he’d rarely paid attention to others’. Justice had a sweltering hotness that made Wick ignite inside.

“Yes. Anytime you want my heat… take it,” Justice said against Wick’s ear, licking his way inside.

Wick began to move his hands all over Justice’s thick body. He had to touch him, smell him, taste him. His breathing picked up as he pressed his face against Justice’s throat, flicking his tongue along the prickly stubble while he tortured himself in the best way. Making himself wait to taste his Beloved again, until he just couldn’t another second.

“You’re hungry. I can feel it.” Justice released so much arousal into the room when he moaned those words while on top of Wick that Wick went into a crazy lust for not only Justice’s blood but another one of his bodily fluids. He’d show Justice a trick he knew to get both at the same time… later.

Wick writhed underneath Justice’s bulk, pricking and provoking him with his fangs. He could feel Justice’s anticipation for him to sink his teeth into him, his desire for it. Just as it was destined to be, his mate was crazy for his love kiss.

Justice let his entire weight down, halting Wick’s movements, and gripped the back of his neck. He pushed Wick’s mouth to his throat and tilted his head back. “Bite,” Justice growled.

“My Alpha.” He couldn’t refuse the command. Wick gripped Justice’s hips, tilted his pelvis up and bit down with finesse and grace, careful not to give his mate an ounce of displeasure from his kiss. He’d wanted to have some fun first, but Justice’s wolf needed his mate’s hunger sated.