With one hand he pulled back the thick black and gold duvet and placed Wick on top of the cool sheets. Justice didn’t waste time with a shower, instead he climbed in and molded himself to his mate like he’d been doing it all his life, tucking Wick’s face in the warm bend of his neck. He felt, not heard Wick’s sigh of happiness. In seconds, he was asleep.

Justice woke up to the sounds of his annoying siblings. Justice had never been happier than when he learned how to control all the voices in his head, especially theirs. Justice eased himself from Wick’s firm hold and, after trying two different doors inside the room, he found the bathroom. He cleaned up and put on the only piece of clothing he could find, Wick’s black robe hanging on the back of the door. Justice finally answered Alek’s persistent call on his way downstairs to find some food.

Justice: “Good morning, Alek.”

Justice heard a loud snort and the chuckle of his little sister.

Alek: “It’s hardly morning. It’s after three o’clock, Justice.”

Mac: “He’s with his mate, leave him alone, Alek. Justice is probably too tired to walk, huh, bro?”

Justice could see Mac’s sleazy leer in his head. His middle brother was the crudest out of all of them and was never shy about discussing his own conquests.

Alek: “So it’s done?”

Justice: “No. Not yet. He had a long night. He’s resting. But soon. The Vampire King will be my mate.”

Mac: “If y’all didn’t get down and dirty, then why the hell is he so exhausted? And what where y’all doing in the forest so long?”

Farica: “None of your business, Macky. Goshlee. He’s not going to tell you anything. Justice is a gentleman, aren’t you, Just?”

Justice: “Farica, as soon as that man wakes up, I’m gonna be all over him like first period calculus.”

Mac: “For the love of all, Justice. Can you be a bigger dork? Calculus, really?”

Justice: “Shut up.”

Their laughter was loud and boisterous, making Justice feel so much lighter than he’d felt just days ago. It felt good to joke around with his best friends.

Alek: “Okay, everyone quiet down.”

The other two stopped laughing and joking at Alek’s command.

Alek: “Alpha Mikel and I questioned the shifters. We need to report.”

Justice: “What I need is my mate. Keep the rogue wolves contained for now. I will speak with them when I return.”

Mac: “You’re not far. Where are you staying?”

Justice: “I’m in the cabin at the crest of the mountain.”

Justice walked into the spacious gourmet kitchen. He began opening cupboards, the pantry, the ridiculously expensive-looking refrigerator, and then the freezer.

Justice: “Crap.”

Farica: “What is it?”

Justice: “Food. There’s no food in here. And when I say none, I mean freaking none.”

Mac: “You’re at a vampire’s house, Just. Go check the garage fridge, you can probably find some AB positive in there to chow down on.”

Justice smirked at his brother while the others laughed.

Justice: “Have a pup bring me something, guys, please, thank you. Ask Ross, if he’s not busy. That is, if you’re done with the jokes.”

Mac: “Yeah, he’s too cranky to have mated.”

Farica: “I’ll make sure Ross brings your food. Bye, Just. I’ll see you later. Tell Wick I said hi.”

Justice felt her link clear before Alek continued.

Alek: “I’ll hold things down, bro. Go on and take a few days and tend to your mate.

Justice: “I have an important job to do. Now that we know of the threat, we need to act.”

Alek: “Agreed. But not prematurely. We have the captives isolated, that’s what was most important. Getting those troublemakers off the streets. As far as the rogue alpha, we have time to come up with a plan for him. The other alphas are on their way soon, we will want to consult with them as well. You have a little time. Take it, Justice. It’s not gonna kill you. You and your mate need to bond so you can do the job you were meant to do.”

Justice: “Thanks, brother. Any word from Taleb?”

Alek: “He got some information from the Shaman but he’s still in Mystic. Do you want me to call for him?”

Justice: “No. Let’s see what he uncovers. You and Mac watch those rebellious shifters like a hawk for now. They are our responsibility, not the Humboldt Pack’s. Don’t let them escape.”

Alek: “Count it done.”

Justice felt their link go clear. Thank the heavens he had such amazing siblings. While the late afternoon stretched on, he walked around the spacious cabin, taking in the immaculate décor and expensive art. It was dark due to the tinted windows and the heavy blackout drapes. Justice wondered how old the vampire was that lived there and exactly how rich he was. Nothing seemed touched or disturbed. His stomach was rumbling so loud he decided to wait outside for his late lunch.