Another officer tapped on the door, simultaneously peeking his head inside. Justice turned and faced the uniformed rookie. He looked excited and a bit scared. “Chief. The Vampire’s leader just arrived with about six other cars. He’s come to get the vampires.”

“You guys certainly don’t travel light do you?” The chief stood and adjusted his tie. “I spoke with this individual on the phone. He’s not what I expected. Maybe you should ask him about his correctional system. Looks like it might be more effective than yours, Alpha. All due respect.” The chief sneered, walking past with his officers, leaving Justice and his pack alone in the room.

“The Vampire King is here? Now?” Alek looked at Justice. “You wanted to meet him, right? Well, now’s your chance.”

Justice stood, his siblings and enforcers watching him closely. He couldn’t appear confused, he had to act surely and quickly. “Yes. Let’s see if we can at least arrange something.”

Alek instructed the two enforcers that accompanied them. “The King is probably here with his entire escort. Peacefully,” Alek stressed, “Approach his number two – I think it’s called his captain – and let them know the Alpha Zenith would like a brief word before he leaves.”

“Yes, Alpha.” One of the large shifters answered Alek respectfully and left to fulfill his task.

“Are you sure this is a good idea, Justice?” His little sister asked, standing directly in front of him, her eyes showing more worry than calm. “He just ordered three of his own vampires killed like it was nothing.”

“They have different rules than we do, Farica. Doesn’t make them less than us, and it doesn’t make them our enemy,” Justice reasoned.

His youngest brother Taleb was quiet, patiently waiting. He really didn’t speak unless he had something important to say. Macauley was on his tablet, looking up one of the many things he researched daily for Justice. Right now, Mac was trying to find a higher up in the American government who was willing to step in and help them get their shifters back and into a proper restraint center. Fighting for their rights in Washington D.C. was a tedious, ongoing battle, but they did have allies they could rely on.

Justice put his muscular arms around his sister’s shoulders and pulled her in close to him. She felt fragile, worn, and he could sense the tension for him in her wolf. Justice pushed some of his power to her, making her rub her cheek against his chest, reveling in the comfort only he could give. His wolf rumbled inside him, content to care for his sibling, for his pack.

The two enforcers came back into the room and reported to Alek. “After the Vampire King’s Captain finished securing their vampires, we gave him your request. The King immediately agreed. He’s preparing to come in now.”

“Thank you.” Justice nodded. “Did you see him?”

“No.” The huge shifter grumbled. “Only his captain – which is his third, not his second by the way – and about ten or twelve more vampires.”

“How do they seem to you?” Farica hurried to ask, still standing close to Justice.

“I haven’t encountered many vampires in my day either, so I can’t say what the norm is, but these particular ones seem stiff and very disciplined.”

“Of course, they are.” Justice nodded, trying to reassure his sister. “See. Trust Warren. He’s a good judge of character and sniffing out deceit.”

“Vampires can shield their scent,” Farica argued back.

“Enough,” Justice ordered. “We don’t know if that’s a fact. But what we do know is they have exceptional senses, including hearing. So be mindful of what you say. We want to—” Justice turned towards the door, releasing his sister so abruptly she stumbled back into Alek. Justice’s canines dropped in a blink as he growled at the door like something or someone dangerous was about to come through it. His brothers and enforcers went on full alert.

“What the hell? What’s going on?” Alek was beside Justice, clamping his hand on his shoulder trying to turn him to face him, but Justice couldn’t look away from the door.

His animal growled and snarled inside him. Justice grunted and cursed while he fought to keep his wolf under control. What was wrong with him? What the hell was coming? He could feel it as sure as he could feel his beating heart, his racing pulse and his mighty wolf trying to get out and explore. He’d never had to reign in his animal so fiercely. Justice was finally able to open his eyes, not realizing they were squeezed shut in concentration.

“Justice! You’re forcing a lot of power, man.” Mac’s strong voice cut over the incessant presence trying to reach his mind.

Justice growled again. Something’s in my head. “Clear the room.” Justice’s voice was strained, spitting his words through clenched teeth. His wolf was clawing at him, ripping him apart, wanting out.