Wick unconsciously pulled at the knot of his own tie. “That all sounds like the great beginning of a masterful plan, Captain.”

The tall man sat up and turned to face him. “Please, no formalities. Just call me Erman.”

Wick was startled when laughter bubbled from him and even more surprised when Erman released a deep, throaty chuckle right along with him.

“Who knew there was a sense of humor under all that tightness?” Wick smiled and started to undo his platinum cufflinks.

Erman gracefully moved back to the door. “I think we’ll work well together. I’ll send up your dinner. Good night… your highness.”

Wick shook his head and watched as Erman gestured to the redhead to precede him, then closed and locked the door to Wick’s suite behind him. First thing he did was go over to the large window and pull the heavy, black-out drapes to the edges. The backyard was huge, with a full in-ground pool, and even a secluded hot tub nook nestled near a stone fire-pit. Wick knew the vampire whose house he was staying in was a business mogul and heavy into real estate, just like Wick’s family. He’d obviously done well for himself.

Wick took his time shampooing his short hair, then washed his body under the large rain shower head. Hot water and a mild soap were usually all that were required to clean vampires, they were hygienic and carried themselves with dignity. That’s why when humans learned of their existence, his father created a law that a human had to be no less than the mature age of thirty before a vampire could turn them. They already had insolent vampires, the world didn’t need juvenile, baby vampires.

The bathroom and quarters were reserved for his use alone, so he was surprised to scent a stranger in his bedroom. Wick could immediately feel the company posed no threat and stepped from the bathroom, his long, pale body wrapped in a soft, black terry-cloth robe. Wick dragged his eyes up and down the well-built human man leaning against the raised four-poster oak bed close to the windows. He was very handsome, his body pinging all of Wick’s senses. He was already feeling a bit anxious, had been since he landed, but he chalked that up to flying at almost forty thousand feet in the air and/or being on foreign soil.

“Good evening, King. My name is Jerry.”

The man smelled delicious. He wasn’t afraid, nor was he there against his will. “Who told you to come here tonight, Jerry?”

The man looked taken aback. Any other vampire would’ve already had his fangs and cock deep inside Jerry. Wick had learned a long time ago to control his impulses.

“Um. No one told me. I volunteered.” Jerry began to unbutton his dress shirt, but Wick stopped him.

“Undressing won’t be necessary.” Wick smiled a sharp, sexy grin to soften the harshness of his words. But he wouldn’t be having sex with this man. He wasn’t sure why, but he couldn’t bring himself to get excited.

“I was told that you—”

“I’m not sure what you were told, but I decide what services I’m in need of. I’m sure any blood-loving vampire would be all over you right now. But I’m not like any other vampire.” Wick stood in front of the sexy human and slowly brought his hand up and pushed a stray lock of hair off his forehead. “I just need to feed and rest tonight. Maybe tomorrow or the next evening, young man, I’ll be up for more fun.”

“Whatever you want.” Jerry looked more than disappointed when he began to re-button his shirt. “You really are different. Your accent and everything. Do you sire?”

Wick smirked. His English accent was always mentioned when he visited the States. “No, beautiful, I don’t change anyone. Is that your desire? To become a vampire.”

“Yes, sir,” Jerry answered with firm conviction. He wasn’t as tall as Wick, but he was at least six feet with a broad chest and striking green eyes. His blond hair, which would fill out and become more radiant once he was changed, stopped just above his shoulders.

“You’ll make a gorgeous immortal, Jerry. I’ll be sure to let my officers know that once you’ve completed all your tutorials and requirements, your petition for a sire be granted.” Wick kept stroking the light-colored tresses. “You’re so warm and handsome. I wouldn’t mind you on my personal escort.”

“Really?!” Jerry bubbled enthusiastically.

“That takes years though, love. I’m sure you’ll still be around. And I’m sure we’ll meet again.”

“Thank you. I already consider you my King.” Jerry nodded proudly. “Because the leaders of my world aren’t worth a hill of beans.”

“Well then, your King is starved. Feed me.” Wick was already leaning closer to the throbbing vein running along Jerry’s long neck. He smelled fresh, his skin golden and healthy like he took good care of himself and ate a balanced diet. It was clear Jerry’d been handpicked by his captain just for him tonight. The rest of his escort was being well tended to by the staff members.