“How do you know how to sign?” Brian needed to start light, because he had to calm his raging libido before he got within five feet of Sway. He hoped Sway didn’t look down, but he seemed to be concentrating on Brian’s eyes, anyway.

“My aunt’s hearing impaired. She pretty much helped raise me.”

Brian nodded. He was moving closer to Sway, his body drawn to him. “You don’t have to sign back to me.” Although Sway spoke beautiful sign language. Long, graceful fingers. Brian preferred his voice. “I can hear you… But I don’t speak.” Brian waited for that to sink in. That should get the gears in Sway’s head turning. He couldn’t have met very many mute, six foot three men in his life.

Sway’s eyes narrowed, he took a couple steps back like he didn’t believe the conclusion his brain just came up with. Sway shook his head no, but Brian nodded his yes.

“Can’t be.”

Brian continued to advance as Sway backed himself into the wall. “You didn’t sign before.”

Sway coughed. His eyes still wide with doubt. His voice wasn’t as steady when he replied, “You didn’t either.”

“If I’d known.” Brian was standing right in front of Sway, he slowly brought his hand up and brushed the back of his hand against the feather-soft curls falling along Sway’s creamy neck. “I don’t understand how I missed you so much. Why it hurt when I thought I’d never find you.”

“You’re a bounty hunter? Jesus. You’re so… so big. Your arms… and… oh my god.” Sway’s face was nestled against Brian’s throat. Every word he spoke was husky and filled with hunger.

Brian continued to run his hands over Sway’s hair, along his long, smooth throat, reacquainting himself with all those compelling feelings that’d had him mesmerized from the start. Brian dipped his head and inhaled. Ahh. Vanilla. He wrapped his big arms around Sway’s shoulders and hugged him to him, embracing him just tight enough to not hurt. Brian rejoiced when Sway melded to him like the perfect glove.

He didn’t know how much time passed. Minutes. When Brian began to shake at the feeling of Sway’s nimble fingers unbuttoning his collar, Brian squeezed tighter. His scars. Sway wanted to feel his scars again. Brian gulped, cringing at Sway being able to not only feel them but, see them, too. They were ugly, but Sway’s words were not.

“I remember everything about that night. I dream about that night. The way you touched me. Like no one has before. I wanted… enjoyed it so much it scared me. I knew I couldn’t have you. You were too much man to want me.” Sway popped the last button and pressed his lips against the deepest scar, across Brian’s Adams’s apple. He whispered, his voice pain-filled, “It is you. God. I thought I’d never see you again. I left that night… but I came back. You were gone. I was too late.”

He’d come back?

Brian couldn’t do the “What if” game right now. All he knew was fate had kissed him tonight. He was taking in everything Sway was confessing. Glad to hear that Sway hadn’t been able to dismiss Brian as easily as he thought he had. Brian took a handful of those golden curls at the back of Sway’s head and squeezed, closing his eyes in ecstasy. He pulled his hair gently so Sway was forced to look at him.

“I don’t know how I remember your eyes. It was so dark in there, but somehow I could still see them.” Sway licked and nibbled along Brian’s collarbone while he murmured dazedly.

Brian wanted to get his lower body involved. His cock was stretched down his thigh, throbbing against the rough material of his jeans, but he kept his hips still. Sway wasn’t here for a one-off. Brian needed to show him he didn’t let his dick lead him. Needed to show Sway he knew how to treat a man with respect.

Sway was clinging to Ford’s collar, keeping it wide open while he rubbed his jaw along Brian’s neck. That silky goatee grazing across his coarse one. How was Sway able to make Brian feel proud of his scars? The way Sway caressed them and tasted them, like he wasn’t disgusted by them. What if he knew how he’d gotten those cuts? Would he still feel that way? Brian wouldn’t go there with Sway in his arms. Not now. Not ever.

“We have to stop.”

Brian leaned down and sank his teeth into the tender skin over Sway’s jugular. He pressed harder to show his extreme dislike of that suggestion. Stopping was not happening.

Sway moaned loudly, his breathing became faster and heavier. “Oh my damn. Oh, Brian. I remember that, too. Jesus. Remind me if I like your no better or your yes.”

Brian smiled against Sway’s cheek. He kissed him gently there. Respectfully. Sway said his name. Brian had never heard a better sound. He wanted to get out of there, get Sway alone. “Have dinner with me. Right now.”